#1: Memories and Flashbacks

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"Our journey starts here..." She said with her eyes roaming here and there, looking at the huge airplane takeoff from the runway, through the thick frosted glass of the window which extended till the bottom.

"Yeah, so here we go." The other person in front of her, who apparently looked like her friend, stood up and patted her back, " aaey, it'll be fine. Don't ya worry."

She nodded a few times and got her ass to move, "C'mon, gaja. There's a lot to walk."


"Why in the world do I get to sit there?" Her friend whined like a one year old kid when she spotted her place between two fat people and away from her friend.

"It's because of the devilish deeds you've done previously, plus you've hurt innocent people." She said referring to those times when the one with the unfortunate-luck-for-the-time-being had stolen candies from kids and had taken revenge from teachers by throwing banana peels in their way.

"Like you weren't there with me." The unfortunate one said, still eyes stuck on that seat.

"Whatevahhh. Now goooo~ fly like a flyyyy~" she pushed her, just to have her face fall flat on one of the fat man's stomach.

"Oops! My bad..." The other one whispered to herself and ran away while the other gave her a death glare. I'll catch you soon, Ms. Annoying.


"Sure you will." Rapmon said while patting the maknae's back.

They were saying their goodbyes to the youngest one who was going to Seoul to study-and to meet his parents after a million years.

"Yah, Fun is always in the air~" a 4D weird half-human alien, precisely Taehyung, said while twirling like a princess, as if he was doing it in the rain.

"The moment you enter your home just lock yourself in your room. Problem solved." Suga said straightforwardly though he barely heard them.

"That's not how my life works, Yoongi hyung. What if they drag me out of there and start bragging about me marrying some Ms. Unknown-personality?" Jungkook, who was quite depressed sighed while looking at the ground while biting his bottom lip.

"Matrimonial ceremony, eh? Did I miss a big chunk of your conversation?" The snow-white guy from before asked.

Jungkook sighed again at the thought of his mum and dad. I wish I could live my life the way I want it.

"You should go now or you'll be late. Video call us when you reach there!" Hoseok and Jimin reminded him about his business.

"Just think about it on your way, okay? Don't worry and just have fun!" Jin, the eldest, calmed him down with a bright smile while waving at him.

They sure are my closest family, more than my blood ones.

"Eo. Talk to you people later." He said while waving back, "I'll miss you people..." Jungkook muttered under his breath, "...a lot." He continued.

*Eo: read as 'oh'. Meaning: 'yeah'


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