I Love You.

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I need you now. Where are you right now? You find me broken and sad. You ask what's wrong. I say you weren't here for me when I needed you. You try to make it up to me. I say it won't work you've done this one too many times, I'm leaving you. You say don't go I'm sorry it won't happen again I promise. I say you've said that before! Everytime I need you the most you aren't there. I want a guy who's there for me when I need him the most. You say I'm sorry, I really am sorry, please don't leave me without you in my life, the reason I'm not there for you... I say I'm sorry but I'm leaving we can still be friends but maybe not more than that. You say but I love you, I always have and always will please don't go you're my life without you I don't know what I'd do. I say I love you too but I don't know if I can rely on you anymore. You say give me one more chance, please, I promise it won't happen again. I decided to stay. Next time it happened you were there for me. Two months later you proposed to me, I said yes. Four months later we got married. Two weeks after we got married I found out I was pregnant. Nine months later we had a baby girl and named her Joy. Ever since that one day I decided to stay after you basically begged me to I have felt like I actually belonged to you and I could tell you felt like a part of mine. (:


I was sad and thinking about love and life when  I wrote this. Hope you guys like it. Like,vote,comment.

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