Chapter 29

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Roc Royal's POV: "how'd we end up here chresanto?" ray ray asks me

"haha i don't know rayan"

"how can you laugh right now?" his voice started to get week

"ray why are you crying?"

"look at us chresanto we're in a fuckin hospital you almost got killed because of me"

"and guess what"

"i'd do it all over again"


"everything that's happened between me and you i 'd do it all over again rayan and i wouldnt trade them in for the world"

"seriously?" "seriously" we havent done that for a few chapters


"because i love you"

he bent his head down and we shared a very sweet

very passionate kiss

i grabbed uhim out his hospital bed and picked him wrapping his legs around my waist i held him up to a wal

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