Chapter 2

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Sorry it took me so long guys! I'm trying to update as much as I can. Hope you enjoy!


Once my father captured me, he snapped my neck. After that everything went black. I woke up and all that surrounded me was a very dimly lit room with bars to keep me in like I was some animal. I tried to stand but I fell back down because my legs were numb. After about 10 minutes I was finally able to stand. I grabbed onto the metal bars and started screaming "Somebody! Please help me!" I was hoping that someone would here me and come rescue me from this horrible place. Someone finally opened the door. "OH MY GOD! Thank you for helping me!" I said to the person. When whoever opened the door got closer to my cell, my face turned from a look of happiness and relief to a look of horror. It was my father. "Shut up you stupid girl! Your siblings don't care about you! Why do you think they haven't come looking for you yet!?!?" He yelled. When he said that my brothers and sister didn't care about me, it made me burst into tears. When he saw this he burst into a fit of laughter and walked out of the room. He hadn't feed me the entire time I've been here. And honestly I have no idea how long I've been here. After what felt like hours of crying I fell asleep. Next thing I knew, I was being woken up from the noise of the door being opened by my eldest brother Niklaus. "Oh my god!! Nik!! Thank god your here!" I said to him. He ran over and ripped the bars off the hinges and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and covered my ears as we got closer to the basement door. All I could here were the screams of our father. Klaus sped up the rest of the stairs until we reached the front door where the rest of my siblings were standing. Next to their feet was our father....... he was dead, covered in blood and a wooden stake through his heart. I had to look away. Even though he did horrible things to my family and I, he may deserve it but I just can't bring myself to look at him. I look over at Rebekah, Elijah, and Kol to see that they all had blood covering their mouths. I may be a vampire but technically I'm still 15. So me being me I bury my face into Nick's neck and start quietly sobbing. "Shhhhhh. It's okay Kat, he won't hurt you or anyone else anymore." Nik says trying to comfort me. "We should go. It's getting late Nik. She needs to get home and get some rest." 'Lijah says looking around the room. By this time I was drifting off waiting for sleep to consume me. Just before the sleep consumes me I here "I won't let anyone hurt you anymore my dear Kat. I love you." I automatically knew it was Niklaus. He then placed a gentle kiss on top of my head and off to sleep I went.

~TIME SKIP(the next morning)~

I wake up to the wonderful smell of coffee. Before I can get out of bed there is a soft knock on the door. "Come in." I say softly. When the person walked in, I was shocked to see who it was. It was the person I didn't expect would check up on me. It was my brother Kol. We've never had the best brother + sister relationship. We never got along and honestly we would fight over absolutely nothing. At first there was a really awkward silence that seemed to fill the air in the room. And of course he was the first one to break it. "How are you feeling Katalina?" I honestly didn't know what to say at first because he's never shown that he cared about me. " I-I'm fine, f-feeling better." I stammer out. Next thing I know Nik is walking in chucking to himself. "Let her be brother, she needs rest." "Fine fine. Hope you feel better Katalina." Kol says as he walks out of my room shutting the door. As soon as he leaves Nik and I burst out laughing. "How are you feeling darling?" He says as he caresses my check. As soon as he puts his hand on my face, I nuzzle into it feeling safe. "Better. But a little hungry." I say looking him in the eyes. "Well I brought something for you. Hold on let me get it real quick." As soon as he's done speaking he speeds off and comes back in mere seconds. He hold out his hand to give me a glass full of blood. "Thank you Klaus." When he hands it to me I chug the entire glass. The blood feeling smooth and silky as it slides down my throat. "Anything for you Kat. Also aren't you missing something on your hand?" He says with a questioning look. I look down at my hands and realize that my daylight ring isn't on my right index finger. "Oh no!! Nik I'm so sorry! I lost the daylight ring you gave me." I say as I look up at him through teary eyes. He walks over to me wiping away my tears as he sits on my bed. He picks me up so that I'm straddling him(don't get the wrong ideas ya nasties. Not like that.) so that I'm facing him. He lifts my head up so that he can look me in the eye. "You didn't lose it darling. When father captured you he took it away from you. But I found it. Here." He says as he pulls the ring out of his back pocket (her ring is in the picture above at the beginning of the chapter). "OMG! Thank you so much Nik!" You say as you latch your arms around his neck. He chuckles in your ear as he hugs you back. "Come on Kat. Let's go downstairs so that you can see the rest of the family. Becca has been dying to see you."

Okay guys here's the update after what felt like a million years. Also I'm extremely sorry that I haven't been updating as much as I would like too but it's hard. Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter. There will be more to come (hopefully soon). Bye! Love y'all!!

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