Chapter 2

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Aphmau POV
Just a normal day I just finished my daily rounds and I am just relaxing with Levin and Malachi in there tree house when Garroth came up to me saying "lady Aphmau there is a girl at the gates looking for a girl named Jess or 4 men named Adam, Jin, Ross, and Barney." " Take me to her."
Nerys POV
I approach the gate of a village. A guard asks me "what is your business here?" "I am here because I am looking for my friends named Jess Sky Ross Jin and Barney. Do you know if anyone by those names are here?" He said he must talk to his Lord and be right back. I wait about ten minutes I being impatient was about ready to break through the wall and trying to find them when I saw my friend. "Open the gate now." She ran down the wall straight to the gate as they opened it. "Nerys I thought you were dead what happened!" she hugged me. "Are the boys here?" "No why?" "We got separated and I'm still trying to find them." "Come to my house so we can talk."
"Where is she!" yelled Ross. "Rots I'm sures yours sister is somewheres." "Also Ross she can take care of her self." I say. "I DON'T CARE!" "Ross calm down." says Adam "we are almost to the next village, Phoenix Drop."

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