i - She Doodles

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As Aurora Darcy sat there, doodling what looks like random sketches on her Math notebook, it was as she was warped in on her own world.

It wasn't that she thought Math was boring, but her teacher that made it boring. She would rather doodle happily, minding her own business, than listen to Mr Wells yack on and on about how Algebra or algorithm is important.

Bent over her notebook, her chocolate brown eyes were full of concentration, trying to visualize the full sketch.

A neon yellow dragon sat there at the corner of the page, ferociously waiting for its yet to be drawn opponent to appear on the faded blue lines.

Slowly but surely, the outline of an lime green hero came to sight. Bearing a shield, the frowning knight was raising his sword and -

"Look which weirdo decided to draw cartoon figures." Pitchy laughter was heard, followed by fake ones.

Nicole Collins - popular from the very moment she started wearing make-up like her life depended on it. It wasn't simple as that - but that was what anyone down the hallway would tell you.

She was beyond gorgeous with forest green eyes, light brown hair as silky smooth as one's would be in a hair shampoo commercial. If it weren't for the sneer on her face right now, she would be mistaken for a model.

Aurora inwardly sighed. She knew she shouldn't have chosen a place where Ms Queen Bee would be roaming around, stomping in her business.

As she always does.


Remember the doodle of the dragon and knight?

In that simple doodle out of boredom, there was a story spindled within. A story which the knight was not the hero, the dragon was not the villain.

It was much different than that.

But that was for another time.

A/N : This is me trying to write, so pardon if this may not be put together as stories here are. :)

Big thank you to those who helped me put together my stray ideas! (you know who you are)



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