vii - Tinkling Laughter

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Before Literature

"They're both green, right?" Hushed giggles erupted from Tori and Aurora. Aurora didn't like her laughter, for every now and then a snort would burst through. The adorable snort (though she didn't think so) would crack Tori up even more, causing a shhh from the strict librarian.

Little did they know, their laughter had also caught a particular someone's attention - like a vulnerable fish to a anglerfish's light.

Kai heard her laughter. It was enchanting - and it enchanted his heart to dance, her tinkling laughter the music. His mind pictured her, a few bookshelves away, smiling radiantly.

'As if she would mix with the likes of me'. He knew he was the polar opposite of her, the only common traits they shared being the fact that spotlights were like taboo to them. She was outgoing and fun, while he was boring and shy.

Little did they know that they both have dark pasts, gnawing at the heart's door. Waiting to burst out to an unsuspecting victim.

Willing his brain to focus, he then continued to read about the ocean he had a fiery passion for. Ironic.


"Hey, I'm Aurora, your Literature project partner? "

All around them in the hallway, everyone carried on walking, chatting, basically ignoring them. Somehow, it wasn't distracting. She could only focus on him.

Eye to eye contact.

Sandy yellow hair, brown eyes with tinged of blue, in random thoughts Kai reminded her of the beach. Warm yet mysterious. He wasn't the most attractive guy - he had plain features, most would say - but Aurora didn't have a care for perfect teeth or sleek gelled hair.

"It's the heart that matters."

Words from her dad.

Her dad is- was the wisest person she knew.

"I know," His steady voice dragged her from her thoughts, "I'm Kai. I like your sketches. " He gave her what looked like a reserved smile.

"You know I sketch? "

'Aurora that is such a stupid question what if he thinks - '

"Well, you sit in front of me in class." Aurora didn't know how to answer that, leading the conversation to a abrupt awkward stop. Her tongue was tying itself in knots, her brain somehow couldn't squeeze a answer out. He himself shifted in his navy blue hoodie. The hustle and bustle in the hallway suddenly made its way into their conversation.

Students chatting excitingly, footsteps heard with every pace. Thoughts were distracting Aurora from forming a conversation topic.

"Well," she started.

But before she could make it any more awkward, for she was, something (or someone) crashed into her. She let out a shocked squeak and fell onto Kai. Her sketchbook flew in the air and for the second time, her sketches flew free as birds.

"Was I like Flash or what!" Tori was experimenting with momentum that afternoon and unfortunately, chose rollerskates as her test subject. With all the people she dodged, couldn't she have dodged them? Or was it intentional..

"Oops." She said bluntly when she saw that Kai and Aurora were practically a human pretzel now. Sketches were all over the gray tiles of the school hallway, falling like snowflakes. A smirk made a way on her face : Mission Accomplished

Tori maybe oblivious to most things, but she knew Aurora had a crush on Kai. Don't ask how. Observation.

"Tori. "

She knew that tone. She was in big, big trouble later.

But it was worth it.


His phone felt so precious to him all of a sudden.

When his parents gave it to him, he didn't think much of it. Maybe because they weren't his real parents. Or because he had no use for it whatsoever - nobody to call, not a soul to text.

Until now.

Now, he had her number. After her friend - Polly was it? - bumped into them, they were left in a blushing tangled bunch. After an excruciating minute of untangling themselves, he had helped to pick up the loose leaflets. Many new doodles and sketches were noticed, the new ones were more vibrant in colour.

Sketches of trees, clouds, hands, abstract art..

Then he saw the familiar features he saw everyday in the mirror. Staring back at him. The eyes that were sketched in with a blue pen gave it away. It was him.

She had drew him.

Aurora's eyes widened. Then her face turned scarlet red. "Um... yea. I'll take that." She said as she replaced the sketch with another smaller piece of paper.

Kai's heart started beating faster when he realised her number was printed neatly on it. "Thanks - I'll text you." He managed to blurt out before dissappearing into the crowd, never once forgetting her bashful smile.


A/N: I'm sorry D: Lately I've been so busy that in the hustle and bustle I lost passion for the story. I hope the hype of writing will come back :)

P. S. Don't you want a best friend like Tori??




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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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