The Ugly Truth

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 The Ugly Truth…

Alone. Isolated. Forgotten. Surrounded by many but always an outsider. Forever seeking somewhere to belong.  Forever wishing to be loved.

Always overlooked, never noticed. Loved by many. Accepted by no one.

Forever seeking paradise, but always greeted by a closed door. She screams and screams, hoping to be heard. Hoping to be saved. People walk by, deaf to the sounds of her screams.

Blind to her tears. She walks a path of loneliness. Forever alone. Forever forgotten. She stumbles and falls, unable to stand on her own.  She reaches out a hand in hopes of receiving  help.

Her outstretched hand ignored and invisible.  She is looked down upon.  Noses, turned up in disgust at her sight.

Kicked down when she attempts  to stand. She lets out a cry of anguish and lay on the ground like a broken doll.

Misunderstood and estranged to those she loves, to those who claims to lover her. Forever surrounded but forever alone. An outsider in a sea of people.

A lone wolf seeking shelter. Seeking a place to rest. Seeking a pack to walk with.  Seeking a place to call her own.

Judged before fair trial. Denied the one thing entitled to everyone: Compassion.

Loved by few hated by many.

Her dreams, her hope, her faith, forever gone...

She cries and cries, no one helps her.  Her cries of anguish ignored. She yells and yells until her voice becomes hoarse and still no attention is brought to her.

She gathers her strength and gets up. On wobbly legs she makes her way to the place she calls 'home'. Her heart filled with sorrow. Filled with pain.

She enters her room and limp to a mirror.  Eyes as red as the red sea. Face as pale as the moon. Lips as dry as the desert floor.  Hair hanging loose and limp.

She washes her face and begins to apply her mask. She applies some powder to hide the paleness. Some lipstick to hide the cracks and dryness of her lips. Eyeliner, mascara to make the eyes look alive.

Brushes her jet black hair into straight lines reaching her middle back. She stares at the girl in the mirror. The eyes staring at her told a story.  A story of sorrow, grief, pain, anguish and broken dreams.

She fixes her dress and her shoes.  She looks back in the mirror and is greeted by a doll. She pinches her cheeks to bring some color to her face.

Her mask now in place ; She plasters a smile on and opens the door. She walks in the room and dazzles everyone. Her smile genuine to everyone but to herself.

Surrounded by a crowd.  Accepted  by many.   Loved by many.  Understood by everyone.

Only she knows the ugly truth: Unloved.  Misunderstood.  Unaccepted.  Isolated.

Forever walking the path of loneliness…

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2011 ⏰

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