Dancer in the Mirror

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My name is Davin Angelo Zandayis and I have magic. I don't know how I got it or where it came from but I know it's there, it flows through me when I dance. I can't see it but I can feel it. It doesn't matter where I dance, in my room, at school, in the street, in a field, It's there moving in me, dancing around me, and becoming my music.

My favorite place to dance is my castle. It's not actually a castle,  just and old abandoned dance studio, but it's the only place I can see HIM.
I don't know his name and I don't know where he came from, but I think my magic brought him to me, he appears in the mirrors of my castle when I dance and he dances with me. He only appears while I dance and he is gone if I stop. It's not my reflection if that's what your thinking, no he is very real but he's trapped, cursed, imprisoned in the mirrors of my castle. I want to free him. I think that the answer to freeing him lies within the magic that I have, but I don't know how. I've tried relentlessly but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to free him. But I swear I will find the answer and nothing in this world will stop us from being together. Do you believe in soul mates? Because I promise you they're real.



Tell me what you guys think. I really like the idea of this story, let me know if it interests you :)

cheesey OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Dancer in the MirrorWhere stories live. Discover now