chapter 3: The Deep Dark

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Suku's POV:a inhuman scream pierces the air thump....THump....THUMP the beat of large wings gets louder as they near the beach sits up straight awaken by the screech "what was that? Maybe if i just peek out the window i can tell..." peeks out window and sees a large bulky outline and purple glowing eyes a low growl emitting from the figures direction the figure starts to speak in a unknown tongue and in a deep and feminine voice "usagar futag shunan!!!" a small amount of light emits from the figures chest region almost like a ember in between overlapped stones stands up and ponders on what he just saw he then gets dressed and puts on some camouflage flak armor. suku spoke in a very determined voice "whatever it is i " suku grabs his rifle and saddles up his alpha velociraptor and leads the pack outside of the fences and slowly gets closer to the figure. the figure sniffs the air and flicks it's head in suku's direction it's eyes seeming to glow more intensely* the figure utters two words in a hissing voice "fight me" *the figures eyes start to glow even brighter and a small bit of light emits from the figures mouth* "i will kill you*voice grows a bit psychotic* no matter the cost" #2 started to make motions with his arms and hands to the raptor pack "the names suku by the way i think i'll have fun tearing you apart"*grins psychotically* the figure speaks her voice echoing " you will have to do more than send reptiles at me fool!" *the glow from the figures chest region glows brighter as if the ember turned into a roaring fire*suku utters a single word "DIE" he whistles and the raptors jump on the figure. the figure starts to speak again while ripping the velociraptors off herself "your time is over human you shall be the one who dies" suku takes off towards the temple the figure flying after him the sun is now starting to rise the figure a bit more visible "A DRAGON!?!?!?!!!". suku reaches the temple and the figure crashes in roaring as the sun lights up the temple and the figure standing in front of suku with a deathly stare.

 suku reaches the temple and the figure crashes in roaring as the sun lights up the temple and the figure standing in front of suku with a deathly stare

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the dragon slowly walks closer to suku " have you been told stories of dragons,boy?" suku quickly answers in a low growl "i have....." the dragon laughs "I'm finally going to kill you" the dragon bears rows of razor sharp teeth."I have killed many of your kind and you soon will see your ancestors boy!" suku draws a sword from it's sheath "I have not come this far just to be killed by a dragon!" suku gets into a defensive stance light flashing off his flak armor "I will kill you and mount your head on my wall!" the dragon growls and the glow flows from her chest region to her neck.suku holds his ground light glinting off his sword "you must breathe fire." suku shifts his foot into a position suitable to move if needed." i am growing tired of this human!"the dragon opens her mouth blue and red flames leaping from her jaws suku rolls forward dodging the flames and he quickly jumps to his feet his sword dragging up the dragon's leg.The dragon reels back and starts jabbing her head jaws wide open and snapping shut with every surge of power from the flick of her head and neck "I am done playing with you boy now die!"the dragon uses a large surge of power that changes the density of the air and the room suddenly gets warmer as the dragon's flames that smolder on the ground turn white and blue "I shall burn you till nothing remains i will wipe you from this planet!" suku starts moving towards the dragon swiftly and nimbly. The dragon spews a stream of white flames the flames hit next to suku the heat instantly making him go to the side more. "Your faster than i expected but are you fast enough for this!?!" the dragon whips her tail it catching suku in the stomach dragging him back "I will end this!" suku stabs into the dragons tail hitting the bone causing it to break as the dragon screeches in agony. the dragon roars and surges her head forward at suku almost catching him by the arm. suku lunges back his sword sliding effortlessly out of the dragons tail blood slipping off the sword hitting the floor slashing the silence with a small plop. Suku eyes the dragon's wound he lunges at the dragon again this time landing on the dragons tail running up it sword glancing off the dragon's scales.The dragon snaps at Suku repeatedly catching his armor throwing him off balance. Suku rolled off the side of the dragon getting pinned by one other talons "let me go!" Suku struggles a little trying to grab his sword the dragon swings her head over Suku her eyes burning with rage, she growls and bears her fangs."foolish boy!" Suku felt something that was shaped like a hilt or handle "How am i foolish?your the one who is being foolish." Suku was hoping that his insult would keep the dragon from noticing he was already griping his sword The dragon replied with a fierce and sharp retort "YOU ARE THE FOOL FOR THINKING YOU COULD KILL A DRAGON!" Suku was finally grasping the hilt of his sword and brought it to the dragon's chest and thrust it forward, the dragon roared with protest as the cold blade sank into her soft chest and snaked between the cavity in her chest where her heart was.The dragon shrieked more wheeling back on her hind legs and relinquishing suku from her deadly claws. Suku stood drawing his breath and backing away from the injured dragon "I have let you taste the brittle embrace of death." with its final breath the dragon uttered one word "othgar" with that final breath the dragon's eyes dulled and her head dropped lifelessly to the floor. Suku went to retrive his sword but decided he best leave it in the slain dragon as he turned to walk away on foot he heard claws clicking on the stone surface and a few moments later his velociraptor came into view. Suku made a few distinct clicks with his tongue and mounted his velociraptor. Suku squeezed his heels against the sides of his steed and they started for his home. Suku sighed deeply during his paced ride back to his home was not easy as a unearthly disturbance replaced the once peaceful forest. Suku tried ignoring a certain persistent noise but when he thought it was gone it returned ugh......i just want five minutes of peace!JUST FIVE MINUTES IS THAT SO HARD TO GET!? Suku screamed in his mind as the noise started driving him closer and closer to going insane. Suku's unease obviously affected his steed as it craned it's neck to look at Suku with great large crimson eyes. Suku stared back and they halted to a stop so suku could look for something or someone. "its not coming from anything i can see...." A voice echoed in his head, Come forth Dragonslayer come forth and find what you seek. Suku didn't reply but forced the voice from his mind. A rancid odor filled the air and Suku recoiled with a gag and teary eyes "ugh that smell is vile!" The wind blew straight into Suku wafting the smell in his direction "Where is this coming from!?" As Suku scanned the area he came across something that looked like rotten flesh but still moving. After a long silence Suku decided to see what it was but stay as far away as possible not to far so he threw a rock at it and the rock hit with a soft plop and followed by a low bubbly growl. Just then a large bulky figure stood up towering over Suku's steed. "w-what is that?" Suku fumbled back to his steed as the beast stalked through the brush to meet Suku's gaze with empty eye sockets. Suku slowly reached for his knife but as he did the beast let out a almost human scream."MAKE IT STOP!" Suku yelled thrusting a finger at the beast and as he did so he involuntarily mumbled "Asura" a funnel of red and blue flames shot from the tip of his finger. As the funnel reached the beast it yelped in surprise and agony as it was scorched to nothing but a smolder corpse. Suku suddenly felt weak and toppled over gasping for air as if something sucked his energy from within him. Suku tried clawing around to find something anything but as his vision started darkening he started feeling light headed and as his vision turned complete black he passed out.

 Suku tried clawing around to find something anything but as his vision started darkening he started feeling light headed and as his vision turned complete black he passed out

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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