Chapter 1

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Guys if I spell anything wrong or get any grammar wrong etc etc, please feel free to tell me and I will change it, I know I can't spell particularly well :)

"Ella, get up for school!"

Ugh. First day at a new school for the 3rd time in 2 years. Same old, same old.

I got out of bed (very reluctantly) and got dressed into white high waisted jeans and a random T-Shirt. After I had done that, I ran downstairs, grabbed a banana, my bag and went out the door after shouting a quick 'bye' to my parents. I stuck my earphones in and went to wait for the bus.


"Here's your schedule dear, have a nice day" the woman at the desk told me while smiling. Okay, for one: I know what it is. I have eyes. And 2: stop smiling, it isn't even 9am yet. That ain't natural.

Anyway, I took it from her and said a 'thank you' with what I intended to be a kind smile but probably looked very threateneing knowing me in a morning... oh well.

I walked through the halls, trying to navigate my way to my first class that had most likely already begun, judging my the lack of people. As I was turning the corner, someone crashed into me. "Oh my God, I am so so sorry! Here let me help you" she offered when she noticed that I had dropped my books. She picked them up for me and handed them back to me. "I'm Melody, by the way, not that you'd want the name of the girl who just almost knocked you over and made yo-"

"It's okay, I promise" I interrupted her with a chuckle.

"Oh, I did it again, didn't I, I just kept talking" She nervously laughed. "sorry."

"How about to make it up t me by showing me to my class?" I asked her politely. The kind of people that apologise and like to talk usually like to make it up to you when they do something like that. Something I've learnt from the many friends I've had in the many schools I've been to.

"Yeah! Of course! What class are you in?" I told her and she said that's her class too. So I was going in the wrong direction. Cool...

As we walked to class, I studied her face. She's pretty. She had beautiful brown eyes, brown hair down to her boobs and a small nose. Kissable lips. I licked mine, wishing I could kiss them.

Should probably stop thinking like that, she probably isn't into girls. Why are all the hot girls straight?!

We got to class and Melody told the teacher what happened and introduced me and we took our seats. Next to each other. Yay, I can crush from afar.


The rest of the day passed quickly, Melody introduced me to her friends and her boyfriend. I knew she'd have a bloody boyfriend, she's too hot not to have one.
Not the point Ella!

I got home, did my homework and went to bed, skipping dinner completely.


Not that good I know, I'm sorry. I'm babysitting later though, so I'll write another chapter then, hopefully it'll be longer...

I hope you enjoyed that. I think I have a story line in my head, but I really just wanted to start writing again. Normally, I just draft a couple of chapters before I give up on the book completely, but I need motivation so I'm just going to post it.


until next time


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