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I woke up with the sunlight in my eyes. Lena never like to close the curtains and as much as it annoyed me I never said anything. I looked down at the girl in question asleep in my arms. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Ever since I had come back from the other world we were able to touch and kiss each other as much as we wanted which we had enjoyed very much. Especially the last few months and definitely last night.

"Ethan Lawson Wate. Get your mind out of the gutter I can hear everything your thinking." I heard being mumbled into my chest.

"It can't be in the gutter when I'm thinking about someone as beautiful as you. Next time though I'll take extra care not to kelt my thoughts."

"Nice try but that's not what I meant and you know it. Your lucky I love you." She said pretending to be mad but I could feel her smile. 
I laughed and said "I love you to." I moved her to make it easier to kiss her. After a few minutes though of kissing Lena broke away.

"As much as I enjoy this you need to go to your room before Uncle Macon finds us besides if we keep this up we will be back where we started." She said gesturing to her body that was covered only by a sheet. She kissed me one more time then shoved me out of her bed. I put on my clothes from last night and went to my room. Our rooms were by each other with our closets right beside each other. The closets had a door in the back connecting one to the other. Lena had made them appear, the original purpose being to make it faster to get to each other's room incase of a nightmare.

I got changed and met Lena in the hallway. "Ready for breakfast?" She said. We walked downstairs hand in hand to the dining room. "Good morning Uncle." Lena said smiling at Macon.

"Good morning my dear." He said returning the smile. "And good morning to you to Mr. Wate." He said looking at me

"Good morning sir." We sat down at the table and Lena immediately dug into her food. She ate it so fast she could have given the old Link a run for his money. Ridley walked into the living room of course both late and in something that barely counted as underwear.
"Good morning Ridley. Glad you could join us."   She may have given up the whole being evil thing but she definitely still had her challenges.

She and Link had an on again off again relationship for the past year. Right now they were off. Whenever they were on she was more considerate, she was not as late all the time and she dressed at least a little more modest. I don't know how Link could stand it.

"Do save some for the rest of us Cuz." Ridley remarked. Lena shot her a glare and went back to attacking her food. It was a good thing Kitchen made a lot of food she finished  her 3rd plate and was making her 4th. "Are you okay L?" I asked.

"I am fine. I am allowed to eat however much food I want." She said glaring this time at me. "I'm sorry your right it's not like we're going to run out of food or anything." I leaned over and kissed her cheek. She seemed to relax.

"So Lena, Ethan, I wanted to have a little, umm, talk with you two." Lena froze.
You don't think he knows about...
No of course not L it's probably something else.

"High school is almost over and you need to start thinking about your future. Do you want to go to college? Do you want to stay in Gatlin?
Things like that.You don't have to give me an answer now but I will need one soon."

Truthfully I didn't know the answer to any of those. I would definitely have to talk to Lena tonight. One thing was sure though. I wanted to get married as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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