Phoenix of the Harem (5): Being a Lady

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As we were no longer lowly trainees, we were given our own abodes. Frankly speaking, I would miss the fun times Yonghe and I have joking around before bedtime.

My new house was built within a relatively small courtyard--though it was much better than the previous accommodations we had in Chu Hui Dian. Instead of a common garden, we all had our own patch of land at the back of the house. The house had three rooms, including the master bedroom where I sleep. The master bedroom had high ceilings and coloured rice paper on the windows. The total area of the room was around one and a half time larger than the shared room. There was only one bed now. In addition to it, there was a large dressing table by the bed and a round table with chairs at the entrance of the room. Pink drapes were hung in the room, giving it a soft feminine feel.

We were given the title of 'Lady', now that we passed the selection. Due to our higher ranks, we were each assigned a maid to assist us. They were brought to us for choosing a few days ago. Zhi Yan was the first to pick the girls. They then pushed me to choose second. These girls still held us at a higher positions than themselves even though our titles are the same. I chose a petite young girl whose name was Xiao Cui. For some reason, I had taken an instant liking towards here. She was rather pretty thus I asked her why hadn't she passed the selection. Xiao Cui replied that it was because there wasn't any selection in the first place--she was brought to the palace to be a maid when she was five.

My heart ached for her when she told me that she used to be an orphan starving on the streets. When she sought shelter with her only aunt, her annoyed aunt abused her regularly. Finally, her aunt could not stand her anymore and abandoned her on the cold streets. A kind eunuch took her under his wing and brought her back, giving her a new life, new name: Xiao Cui.

Xiao Cui was a hardworking and dilligent worker. She took great effort in tidying and ensuring that the house looked respectable. I was grateful for her for keep the house in such a good condition.

"Lady Yuan. A new batch of flowers have just arrived. Which type of flowers would you like for the house?" Xiao Cui voice broke through my reverie.

"Hmm... I would like the yellow chrysanthemums," I replied after thinking over for a few moments. The house would be greatly livened by the bright smiles of the chrysanthemums. They were my favourite flowers in mother's garden. No matter how foul my mood is, a pot of chrysanthemum flowers never fails to lift my spirits.

"Yes, Xiao Cui shall go to the Flower Bureau to pick the flowers up now."

"Sure. You're dismissed." I said.

Xiao Cui gave a bow before retreating out of the room. It was marvellous to have an assistant again. I looked out of the window at the cerulean sky. A chill wind blew into the room. The weather was turning cold as Winter was coming. Winter is the time for snowball fights. Ling-er and I never fail to have a hearty game with snow every year. Suddenly, I missed Ling-er very much. Her musical laugh, her amusing antics to cheer me up, her frown when concentrating.

I turned away from the window. My eyes resting on the letter on the table. It was a letter from my father. We have been exchanging letter frequently to catch up with each other. In his most recent letter, My father mentioned that there was Court matters are beginning to be stabilised and new Emperor was gradually solidifying his rule. The people started to accept and come to like their young ruler. My father assured me that the ascension of the Emperor was very successful. However, he had also mentioned some worries of his. Though Prince Yue has shown no outward displeasure in his brother's ascension, he been noted missing from his residence on that island more and more often. My father fears that Prince Yue is up to no good.

So far, almost a month has passed since the Selection and the ascension to the throne. The Emperor still hasn't summoned any of us to his chambers yet due to the heavy Court matters on hand to settle. Not that I was complaining, but judging from the smooth resolutions of the Emperor's Court issues from my letters, the Emperor may be able to have more free time in the next few months....

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