Chapter 2:'Stealing' and cliffhangers

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Over the next 2 weeks They all grew closer to Gizzabelle especially Fred and every time they met, she would hug prim then tris then Rue then Fred and they'd hug for just a minute or two longer before the girls giggled and then they broke apart blushing.Fred had only loved Angelina but that was puppy love and he was dead. Gizzabelle though was something else. Gizzabelle had feelings for him too.One Tuesday morning Fred went into the hall "hey guys I'm going to see Gizzabelle" today Cedric Was sitting with them "Hey Cedric " "hey Fred can I come?" He Asked Fred tensed up a bit then said "sure"  on the way there Cedric Said to Fred "you know the way your friends describe her she's very beautiful" "listen cedric she hasn't met you yet so don't go thinking she's a thing on a shelf that says 'take me I'm yours'  Capish?" "Yeah I mean I guess she's probably more interesting than savannah" Fred shuddered and relized they were at Gizzabelle's window "who's Savannah?""Savannah is-" Fred was interrupted by a voice from behind him"I'm Savannah so I guess your the angel seeing guy stealing little-""I'm Cedric by the way." Suddenly Fred found everyone talking at once "WILL YOU ALL BE QUITE SO I CAN TALK????" "Fred I'm sorry" Gizzabelle said sillently"it okay" "Can you explain all this to me?" She replied softly Fred flew closer he leaned in and then....

(A.n. HAHAHHA your face!!! Any way This song describes Savannah and Gizzabelles relationship)

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