Jung Hoseok

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Fact 1: Jhope's ideal type is someone who loves him and only him, someone who is thoughtful, good at cooking, and reads a lot of books. He would want to cook, read, and talk a lot with her/him.

Fact 2: B.A.P's Zelo and Jhope went to the same academy for rap and dance in Gwangju.

Fact 3: His favorite color is green🤑

Fact 4: Jhope hates working out/ exercising.

Fact 5: Jhope is the type of person to approach you without hesitation because he has very good social skills and he is friendly. 

Fact 6: All members say that Jhope is like the mom in the dorm because he tends to nag the members to not do something/ he stops their bad habits.

Fact 7: His favorite number is 7.

Fact 8: Jhope's long face is 27cm.

Fact 9: Before debut J-hope hated doing aegyo but later on, he changed his mind for his fans.

Fact 10: J-Hope is closest with Jungkook.

Fact 11: His motto is: "If you don't work hard, there won't be good results."

Fact 12: Jhope says that he associates BTS with the color red because he thinks that BTS is burning hot and full of passion.

Fact 13: When he is worried or has a problem, he would usually talk to Rap Monster or Suga about it.

Fact 14: Jhope's role model is Benzino.

Fact 15: For Halloween, J-Hope wants to be Batman.

Fact 16: Q:
If you had a compare J-Hope to non human, what would they be?

"A deer."

"The 2nd Grandma."

"A Cat."

"A deer."

"J-Hope is like a beagle puppy. At home he's really untidy and leaves things scattered around and he also clings onto people all the time."

Fact 17:
His hometown is Gwangju but it's been 3 years since he moved to Seoul.


Yayyyy that's it for this book. I hope these facts were helpful!

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