Hohnaldo Happens

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*Written in third person*

Rolando sat in his room, his brothers terrifying laugh echoing from just behind him, as he laughed at god knows what. 

Rolando stared at his computer. He had been on discord for hours texting in the grepchat. He had realized Holy and John were in Mcdonalds FreeFood Truck, So he joined with elegance and happiness to talk to the two.

"Sup" Rolando said, his voice cracking slightly.

"Hello" Holy replied in his strong Australian accent, John peeping out a 'Hey' as well.

"What are you guys doing?" Rolando asked, being as goddamn innocent as mama should be.

"Nothing much, just chatting." Replied Holy

"-That and John being a little pedo." Holy snickered with John slamming his keyboard.

"THAT JOKE IS DEAD HOLY" John fired, now questionable sounds emitting from his mic.

"Leave him alone, Holy." Rolando said, trying to stop the laughing.

"But he is :/" Holy defended, stating his mind clearly.


"Rolando, you agree he is a pedo?" Holy asked, asking the Yui obsessed man.

"Uhm.. No?? i guess??" Rolando responded, nervous to have either man angry.

The noise of Holy grasping his mic and bringing his mouth closer, just so his lips brushed against the speaker had caused both boys to fall silent.

Rolando could not hear his brothers cancerous laugh any-longer, All he could hear now is Holy's breathing and Johns silence, along with his own heartbeat. 

The three men sat in silence for exactly 49 seconds until Holy spoke.

"Rolando..." His voice smooth and sensual, his accent trailing behind. "-If you really believe John isn't a pedo.." He stopped talking and breathed for a moment.

"-Come with me to his house and see how perverted he REALLY is..." Holy finished.

John grunted and Rolando gasped, understanding what Holy was hinting.

Before Rolando could say his response, John cut in.

"Holy,! That's not fair.. Don't make him do that." John growled in his usual obnoxious voice.

Holy and John traded arguments until Rolando quietly whispered.


Despite the computer screen blocking their contact, Rolando could feel both men staring at their computer screens intensely.

Holy was the first to respond.

"'Okay' What?" Holy asked, making a *tsk* sound as he smirked.

John growled at Holy and began protesting, but Rolando innocently replied.

"'Okay' as in 'Okay, i will join you on a trip to Johns house." He quickly replied.

"Why are we going to John's?" Holy asked, teasing Rolando.

"T-To see how perverted he is..." Rolando answered.

Holy laughed and clapped his hands.

"Alright then, its settled. I'll come and pick you up Rolando, and then we'll head to Johns." Holy decided.

Rolando responded with a girl-like "M-hm!" And John sat silenced.

Rolando left Mcdonalds FoodTruck and went to put on something else. 

Rolando flied through his clothes, looking for something that would please both Holy and John.

Rolando eyed his closet, shuffling over to his closet where he kept his things.

He slud the doors open and eyed its items. He pulled out a pair of tight shorts and a loose shirt in which hung off his shoulders.

Before closing his door to get changed he knelt down onto the floor, he rubbed his nose against the nose of an anime girl named ' Eucliwood Hellscythe '

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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