Chapter 65 :Coast

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   After days of sailing and bouts of seasickness on the ship, we arrived at our location, on the outer reaches of the eastern coast of Austraila. Our fleet landed on the ocean. The ship rocked aggressively.

   I puked outside the deck of the ship; my puke now floats on the vast ocean. Poor fishes.

"Are you okay sir?" one of the crew asked, who happened to pass by me.

"Yes." I assured him."I just really ,really hate the ocean."

  Our fleets stayed kilometers away from the Hives guarding the country, knowing that they will attack if a armed vessel came close.

  The Investigation Unit and I boarded on the dropships on the carriers. We flew past the Hives.

  We landed on solid ground. Then they stood in front of me.

"Attention!" I shouted.

  They stood still.

"Your mission is to investigate this whole country. In our recent Global Strikes, some of our missiles have been intercepted in Australia, New Russia, the Philippine Federation,the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean." I announced. "The other members of your group are investigating these areas. Investigate the whole country if you need to, and also scout and give the higher-ups vital information,while the fleets will be scouting the Pacific." I added."Good luck."

   I boarded the dropship and I flew back to the carrier. Back to the Command room it is.

  Days passed, and we have some results: Our profits increased by selling weapons worldwide and by the Global Alliance's donations.

  Information about the enemy have been limited. Suspected locations of the enemy's bases is a ruse; empty compounds full of nothing. The Investigation Unit questioned the locals, but they know nothing.

   Weeks ago, the early warning planes have spotted a large craft in their radar, but disappeared. Then, unknown aircraft started patrolling out of nowhere, kilometers away from our patrolling area.

  The Iron Horses had succeeded in getting the deserters to join us, with my plan to assassinate Boss.

  A week ago, the Investigation Units at New Russia and Australia requested supplies for venturing into the Dead Zones. I told Boss about this; he hesitatingly obliged. Knowing firsthand about going to the one of the most dangerous places in the world, I could respect that.

   One of the officers of the Investigation Unit contacted me.

"Sir!We saw missile defense systems in the Dead Zone." one of them said.

"Give me the location." I ordered.

  A map of Australia's Dead Zone appeared on my Holo. Five dots are positioned at the center of the map.

"Good job." I complimented." I will report to Boss about this. He will congratulate you for your actions."

"Um... Thanks sir." He replied hesitatingly, surprised.

  I extended the patrol area of the fleet to search for threats.

   A day later, a hover-plane carrying supplies landed on the plane. The pilot of the plane approached me. The crewmen rejoiced, like the supply drops came from heaven. They opened the boxes hastily. Guess our supply is really low for the past month.

"Sir, its your birthday." the pilot announced.

"Today is November 20! I exclaimed."How did you know that its my birthday today?" I asked.

"Before he went missing, he gave you a gift." He gave me a plastic,rectangular box.

"He went missing?"

"I'm afraid yes, before he will construct the payload delivery system on the M.I.L.Es." He explained." By the way, he gave me this letter. It is for you."

I opened the folded piece of coffee stained notepad paper.


If you read this, I'm have escaped.
I'm sick of the treatment Boss gave me.
I'm just a old man, you know.

Don't worry, someone will pick me up.

I just want you to know that you and your brothers reminded me of my grandson, who died at the hands of those invaders.

When I gave you my gadgets, I remember the time when I made toys for my beloved grandson.

Thank you for the memories.

   Thank you. My eyes suddenly watered.

   I feel weird, like I'm sad. Like he was important to me. I remember the times he took care of me, the times he visited me when I'm in a hospital bed;which was a lot of times. Despite my abilities, I'm not immortal.

   I kinda missed having a father figure, ever since my stepdad died. Ever since my real parents died, when terrorists kidnapped me and my brother.

    I opened the box Doc gave me. Two sleek, black shotguns and a optic attachment is inside. The shotgun has no stock, instead, it has a curved grip, like a classic sawn-off shotgun. The rest of the shotgun looks like a sleek black box. At the diamond-shaped front, a large-bore barrel is at the bottom of the main barrel, designed to lob grenades.

  I read the manual inside the box.

"Thank you." I said.

"No need sir." He replied.

   I looked at the horizon. Suddenly, a giant floating ship that suspiciously looks like a spaceship appeared out of nowhere.

  The crewmen is staring at awe at that thing, abruptly pausing their duties.

  I ran to the command room. I ordered the 15th Expeditionary fleet to send some planes to the flying fortress to scout ahead.

   I waited nervously. Does RavenClaw have that kind of weaponry? A literal flying fortress that can traverse oceans? The potential firepower and power projection capabilities of that thing is almost limitless. A single one can render the concept of fleets useless.

  The signal of the planes went missing. I scavenged the data on the plane's black box from afar.

  I saw the flying fortress on the footage from the plane. It looks like three super sky-carriers merged into one, connected by a horizontal structure that resembles a bridge, but, full of turrets. The squadron of planes were shot down by AA missiles on the fortress.

  When the sun sets, I reported to Boss about the flying fortress.Shocked, he is now redirecting the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Expeditionary Fleets to my current location.

   I saw our progress in the clandestine, global scale war between our private army and RavenClaw.

  Almost all of Asia is in our influence, with the help of the Global Military, which is a plus because of the Global Alliance's worldwide influence.

   The Western Hemisphere is almost in the Global Alliance's influence, except for the Eastern European Union, Spain, Chile, the Nordic Pact and Holy Vatican Empire.

   For some reason, the enemy forces are retreating from the south of New Russia, to the north of my homeland's Special Administrative Region.

  My Holo-screen suddenly died out, so did the lights of the ship. So did the engines.

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