chapter 7

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Parker's POV

"What?" I hear myself yell.

"It's unlike any form of cancer I've ever seen. It's a variation of brain cancer. You are not at risk of death. But we need to get all you treatment. Now. Before the storm gets worse."

"So you mean to tell me, that I have cancer, and that there's a crazy apocalyptic storm raging outside while my friends are finding out that they have cancer too? Will the rest of them live?"

A sympathetic look crosses his face. "You, Jordan, and Julio will be fine. But Zach and Megan won't be. We have to get you 3 to the nearest hospital. Zach and Megan, we have to leave on their own."

"Why do I have to leave the love of my life alone with Zach when there's a raging storm outside?" Parker stands up and walks closer to the doctor.

"Megan and Zach both have anxiety. Previous existing mental disorders impact the way the cancer progresses. This type of brain cancer seems to cause you to become extremely detached and depressed or they could even become hostile. We can't let them affect your travel. You have to get to a hospital in Illinois. The flights are leaving soon. Grab you friends and say goodbye to Megan and Zach," He pauses, "because it's possible you may never see them again."

(a/n ~ none of that stuff is actually real i made it up btw lol ~ a/n)

Alexa's POV

I can't believe this. I just met my best friend, I waited ten years for this moment! And now, she's probably going to die and I have to leave her alone. I don't want to leave her, I can't leave her. The doctor told me that we need to get out of LA anyways, because of the crazy storms.

The doctor peeked out of the room that Megan and Zach were in. "Will all of Megan's and Zach's friends come in here? You need to say goodbye, so we can get you all on the flight home."

I slowly got up with the help of Jordan. I reluctantly walked over to the small hospital bed where Megan was sleeping because of the medications. Zach was on the chair.

"I can wake them up now so you all can say goodbye." The nurse taps them on the shoulders and they raise their heads.

Megan looks right at me and Emiley and says in a weak voice, "Please don't leave me."

Megan's POV

Everyone says their goodbyes to Zach and then it's my turn. I don't think I can handle this.

I hug every single Cube guy. I cry everytime too. Then when Parker comes up I grab him and hug him as if my life depended on it. He then pulls me into a kiss. "I love you, don't ever think for a second that I don't. You are the most beautiful and intelligent girl ever. Once I get my medications, I will come back and find you. Deal?"

"Deal." He then kisses me once again and he walks out of the room softly crying.

By the time the swaggy biznatches came up to me, I was dead tired and I was bawling my eyes out.

Every one of them gave me a long speech and we hugged and cried and hugged and cried.

The last people that were left were Alexa and Emiley. I try to sit up and embrace them in a hug, but I fall back in exhaustion.

Alexa looks at me and starts to cry. "I love you so much, you don't even understand. I promise that I will find you again. But in the meantime, don't lose hope," Emiley, crying, chimes in and says, "it's the most important thing you can have. Just stay strong. And remember that we will find you again. We always will."

Just then, every single Cube member walks in and hugs Zach and me. By this time, I had lost my crap. I couldn't stop bawling.

The doctor walked in and said, "Everyone needs to leave. Your flight leaves soon."

Everyone, crying, walks out of the hospital room, leaving Zach and me by ourselves.

The eerie silence is disrupted when a strange noise echoes through the deserted hospital hallways. It sounded like a lightning strike accompanied with screams. Not just any screams, the screams of my best friends.

It takes every ounce of power for Zach and I to get out of our resting places. The energy just seemed to be leaking out of me.

We walked out into the hallway. All I saw was the side of the building on fire, and all of my best friends, trapped in the fire, as my vision blurred and I fell to the floor, losing my grip on reality and slipping into the darkness.



The Day the Internet Went Out ~ Cube SMP Fanfiction {completed}Where stories live. Discover now