Chapter One: Adelaide

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Dear Diary,

The nightmare stared approximately a week ago, innocently enough not to immediately strike fear deeply into our hearts. I had spent the entirety of the day in our bed, sandwiched between the duvet and mattress, curled up in a tight ball to keep the outside world tucked as far away as possible. Nathaniel arrived home from work, suspiciously later the usual, but I was so desperately glad to have him returned home, I immediately forgave him. It is crucial to note I was not yet asleep, just dozing underneath the covers. I have a habit of laying face down on my stomach, with the blankets covering my head, with just enough of a hole to breathe. I feel like like it keeps my body warmer, for even during the day, I feel numbingly cold to the bone. My suspicion of this is that it stemmed from when I was a young child, and was convinced monsters were visiting my beside whilst I slept. However, unlike my fear of the dark, I have never outgrown my suspicion and it continues to haunt my twisted mind to this very day.

As Nathaniel moved around, picking and pulling at the blankets in an attempt to become more comfortable after his enduring day at work, I heard him say "Adelaide, why are you smiling?". However, I was certain this could not be I, and lifted my head and in response I replied "Who are you talking to?". Nathaniel's reaction sent a terrifying chill down my spine, as he screamed and propelled himself out of our bed, his body trembling and his heartbeat audible.

After what seemed like an eternity, I managed to settle my shaken husband, and ever so slowly, eventually I managed to coax the story out of him. When Nathaniel had arrived home, he had found me sitting up with my head propped in my hands, a menacing smile plastered on a I face he recognised as my own. Startled, he had then asked "Why are you smiling?", at which I turned over and began to speak to my husband, also causing the first image of my body to disappear into the darkness. This terrified my imagination, but I meagrely laughed, try to reassure my troubled husband he was simply imagining things after a gruelling day. I kissed him goodnight and tried to place the incident out of my mind.

However, during the relentless night, the image my husband had described that lay within his mind, teased and taunted me, my imagination ran wild with grotesque monsters that tortured my dreams. I grew restless, petrified and began to tremble, the darkness seemed to engulf the bed as my stomach began to buckle. I desperately reached out for Nathaniel for reassurance, but he was already asleep and I did not want to trouble him after his prolonged day of hard labour. I had never felt more alone and vulnerable. 


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