Dear My Little Star

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Dear My Little Star

Dear my little star

At the dark sky,

I know you smile

When you wink

At night.

Dear my little star,

You may be not always

Visible in my eyes

Especially when the sun rises

Replacing the pale white moon

As the same as the dark sky

Replacing by

The light blue sky.

Dear my little star,

I know better.

You are there – hiding.

Somewhere behind

That light blue sky.

Silently guarding me

Until night fall again.

Dear my little star,

Shine, shine brightly

When the darkness comes

Which surrounds me

At times of night.

Dear my little star,

Glow, glow, glow

Until I see your light glows,

Giving me hope.

Hope, hope, hope

Escaping the night again.

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