Chapter 12

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I’m walking back and forth in my tiny room while checking my phone. There is still no call from Harry.

"It’s like 100 times you checked your phone. Seriously you need to calm down” Shelly said as she takes her headphone down.

"I know but this is like too much” I was really desperate for his call. But I don’t want to call him first cause he said he will call. And I don’t want to sound desperate. At least not this time.

Then I snap out of my thoughts when my mobile beeps and I see a message from Harry.

I’m outside your hostel. Meet me there.

I was hoping for a call but then what can I expect after everything that has happened so far. I went down from my hostel and I see Harry was in the car.

“Get in” he said

It’s pretty dark and chilly outside so talking in car would be much nice.

“So what do you want to talk?” he asked while driving

“Seriously you are asking me what I want to talk about. Shouldn’t you be the one who needs some explaining to do” I said roughly

“Why do I need to explain anything to you?” he was harsh

“Because we are in a relationship or at least I thought so” I said

“Being in a relationship doesn’t mean I have to explain everything to you. What are you? my wife?”

“I’m not trying to be your wife but at least I deserve to know if there is another woman in your life. “

“No I don’t have” he is just focusing on driving rather than talking.

“Then what about the news? You and Cara coming together in the café is that just a coincidence. You ignoring me all the time is that also coincidence. You and Cara leaving the hotel almost same time is that also coincidence”


“You don’t have to lie. I know about your and Cara’s history” I see Harry expression changing.

“If you are going to believe everything you said then why bother asking me?’

“Cause I want a reason not to believe this. Even if it’s a stupid lame reason I want to hear it from you so that I can believe you” I almost turned into tears.

“Am I just a rebound?” It’s the most important and scary question that I asked. With all the response so far I’m afraid I know the answer.

“Am I?” he is not answering what I asked.

“If you are not going to response now then I might take it as yes” he didn't answer.

“Thank you I got your answer. Now Please stop the car” I want to get off from the car cause I don’t think I will be able to hold my tears anymore. And I definitely don’t want Harry to see me like this.

“It’s dark and we have come quite far from your hostel” he said

“You don’t have to worry I’ll find my way”

“Don’t be stubborn. I’ll take you to your hostel.” He said

“You don’t need to be so responsible for me okay I can take care of myself. Now stop the damn car” I demanded.

He stopped the car and I didn’t take a second to get off from the car.

I don’t know these streets. I don’t even know the way to hostel. I hear Harry was calling me but I choose to run away from him. I hopped into vacant cab. I told the driver my hostel address.

I see there was miscall from Harry, Niall and Shelly but I choose to switch off the phone. I’m in no mood to talk to anyone. The driver puts the radio on. And the song of Jordin Sparks ft Chris Brown “No Air” plays.

I could actually feel every line of this song. All the memories of Harry came into flash back. The memory is still fresh. For me the time that I spend with Harry is something I will never change for anything. It’s precious and worth of every second but for Harry it was just a rebound thing. He still loves Cara. The more I think about it the more I fell miserable. All I can do is cry and cry.

“We have reached to your destination” The driver said. I see my hostel building and I paid the Driver. As I walk out of the cab I feel weakness in my leg and the whole body. I try to take a further step but I feel like my leg has been paralyzed.

Suddenly someone lifted me in his arms. Before I could scream I see it’s Harry.

“What are you doing?” I was really surprised but confused at the moment.

“You need help. You don’t even have strength to walk. Have you eaten anything?”I have no idea what he is trying to do. In some minutes he is like a rude jerk but then now he is carrying me like he really cares about me.

“I lost my appetite” I didn’t lie. I lost my appetite after seeing Harry and Cara together. And now I remember I have not eaten all day. This might be the reason for my weakness.

“Okay let’s get you to the room” he said as he was carrying me and I didn’t bother to fight with him. I liked being in his arms like this. It was really warm and I felt safe.

“So you have a new roommate” he said as he put me in my bed.

“Yeah.. She is Shelly. Kind of your friend too.” I said

“Oh Shelly is your new roommate” his expression turned a bit gloomy.

“Why?” I asked

“Nothing. I think she left a note for you” he picked a small note that was left in bed side and started reading.

Tried calling you so many times. I have got some work so I’ll be out of town but I’ll be back soon. Sorry I’m not there to cheer you. But you really need to stop crying and waiting for him to call. – Shelly

OMG I should have taken the note from him. It’s so embarrassing. I turned all red.

“Have you been crying a lot?” he asked looking concerned.

“No. She is just exaggerating.” I lied

“You seem to have lost a lot of weight” he said

“I’m on diet” I lied again.

“Can I stay here this night?” he asked

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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