Chapter 6

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You sat on your bed, looking down at your feet.

"It's ok (y/n), calm down just breathe," you thought, thinking it calms you down, only it revived a memory.

You were in the middle of a burned building surrounded by snow.

You looked around you but saw nothing but only a snowstorm.

Your hair was blowing the other direction by the fierce wind blowing in your face.

The wind became too strong and blew you off your feet making you hit a rock.

You coughed some blood.

You looked up, but you wished you didn't, in front of you where hundreds no thousands of burned bodies.

Your eyes went wide as you saw this

"I did this" you backed away

"Yes you did"

You turned around to see a very tall man in white, his hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"You did all of this," he said

"Aww, she fell asleep" Ferid entered the room.

"How will she take this I wonder" Ferid lifted his hand showing a pill, then he smirked.

He placed his fingers on your face.

"I don't want to wake her up though," he said quietly.

He leaned over, putting both hands over you, leaning closer to you. He took his thumb to open your lower lip, and with the other hand pushed the pill in gently.

You scrunched your eyes and slowly open them. Then widened them at what was happening. You started to squirm a little, Ferid had noticed and moved his hand to your wrist to stop you from squirming. He lifted himself off and said

"Sorry (y/n)-chan, but this was for you"

He leaves right after he gave you a peck on the forehead

You hoisted yourself up and dazed off looking down, and what you thought was a tear coming down.

This was the next step

Hey there guys!

Did you enjoy this chapter? (NO)I had some help from my friend (Feel super bad for dem), and I had to edit this story as well. (BIG TIME)
Ok, I'm going, to be honest, I don't blame the numbers for going down a little because O My god is this story cheesy (SO CRINGE), but aren't all Ferid x readers cheesy idk (nope). Ughhh well, I worked on it (WAS SHITTY DOUGH), maybe it's better (It's not), maybe it's not idk it's up to you guys.

Love all of you

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