Raven-chapter 3

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I decide to break the akward silence. "I don't work well with others so I think I should write the first half and you write the second.I dont mean to boss you around but people aren't my thing.I don't hate them but I'm more of a loner.Ask anyone at this school." He just stares at me like I'm crazy and then bursts out lauging.My cheeks turn crimson and my temperature raises.Everyone else in the class glares at us.He has a beautiful laugh and it kind of makes you smile and giggle in away.I immediately stop grinning.Was I really just happy?I'm a shadow.I don't smile and I don't smile.I'm a depressed freak.Everyone eventually goes back to what they were doing.When he's done, he looks at me and when I look back, he sticks out his hand. "I'm Davien.But people call me Day."


"Yeah.What's your name?"


"Raven?That your real name?"


"What is it?"

"Nonya busines."

Saved by the bell.I get up after packing myself back up and leave quickly.In the hallways, I look behind me and see that Davien- or Day-is watching me leave.As I walk farther away, the diverging force fades away.I go to the girl's restroom and wait in a stall until all the girls leave.When I'm all alone, I lock the door and glaze at the reflection looking back at me.She has dull and empty ice-blue eyes.It's like she's dead and her soul is disappering.She wears a black shirt with "Im Not Afraid" written on it and has on faded-black skinny jeans and all black high tops.A black-chained necklace holding a bright blue stone-a stone very similar to Day's-hangs from her pale neck and wears dark purple earrings to match that dangle and shine beautifully.Her nails are painted jet-black which illuminates her paleness.Her appearance says she hats the sun.But since I know her, I Know that she doesn't.She thinks it's okay but rathers not to get burned by it.She is pretty but only from sunrise to sunset.During the dark night, she's a monster bound to create chaos.I move closer to the reflection.Now I can see that her chocolate-brown hair has jet-black streaks that glimer in the dim bathroom light.I run out of there and rush to my next class.

The rest of the day, I try avoiding Day.At lunch, he sits a few tables away and I feel him watching me.I attempt in not looking back but fail completely.I turn around and our eyes meet.Neither oneof us turns away and we hold each other gazes for a while.Then something strange occurs and it was the last thing I would expect to happen.Everyone else disappears and it's onlt him and I.We're so close that we're ony a breath away.He smells so lovely.He tells me "I don't care, Phay.We were ment to be.Romeo and Juliet but no death, no consequences.I promise, okay?" My mouth moves without me making it and replies "Okay, baby.We'll make it." We go to kiss but the illusion fades and everything comes back.I'm still at my table and he's still at his.We're still watching each other then suddenly, Day gets up and starts walking towards me.I run the other way out of the cafeteria and go through hallway after hallway.Turning corners to try to lose him.I turn one last corner and hide in between two sets of lockers.I catch my breath and hope that I lost him.A moment later, I feel that resistance edging closer and realize the golden key.He'll be able to find me know where I am no matter where I'm at.The diverging force increases.I stay where I'm at; there's no point anyways.Sure enough, he walks up to me.Fear swallows me along with curiousity. "Hi." It's all he says and the fear subsides and my curious side overtakes my thoughts.A moment goes by and I think he's not going to say anyhting but he does."Do you kno-"

"N-no that's never happened to me before."

"It was a vision."

"A vision?"

"We get those sometimes."


"You're a Guardian, right?"

"No, I'm not."

"Wh-wait what?Then what are you?"

Should I tell him?Life is full of risks."I'm a Shadow."

He just stares at me and we both realize that we're soposed to be enemies.Will the vision really happen?I guess we'll just have to find out.

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