Mary Sues

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Mary Sues

Definition: A Mary Sue is an original character in fan fiction, usually but not always female, who for one reason or another is deemed undesirable by fan critics. A character may be judged Mary Sue if she is competent in too many areas, is physically attractive, and/or is viewed as admirable by other sympathetic characters.

Mary Sues and Marty Stus are so very common in the world of writing yet everyone seems to hate them. Mary Sues can relate to fiction and Fanfiction, there's no real boundary. A lot of these points will be developed ideas from my Do's and Don'ts of Characters chapter or I may paste here because they too,are relevant.

This is a list to recognise and stop Mary Sues (unless intended)

*MS is an abbreviation for Mary Sue

1. The character either constantly complains about their "plain" looks when they're obviously gorgeous or everyone is stunned by their looks. Said character will eventually met the person of their dreams and finally realise how beautiful they are. This type of character makes it seem as though they're digging for compliments and the constant reminder of their looks is a really bad filler. There is nothing wrong with your character looking plain or stunningly pretty but no-one wants a constant reminder of how they look.

"As I looked into the mirror, I gazed deeply upon my features. I had soft blonde curls that fell over my shoulders gracefully and striking baby blue eyes. My skin was completely blemish free, my nose small and pointed. All together plain. How could anyone ever think I'm pretty? All my friends say I am but they're obviously lying"

2.Often in teenage stories, characters are given cringe worthy names such as 'Jayla Crystal Rosepetal' (no offence if your name is here, it was just an example) and you know they're going to be a Mary Sue. Sometime their name can even give away the plot of the story e.g. Rayne having elemental powers or Hunter being ,you guessed it, a hunter.

In some cases it can work with the plot e.g. An assassin nicknamed Nightshadow as they only kill at night;but often it can be overbearing

3. Where there's a Mary Sue, always follows a Marty Sue. The Marty Stu is usually a unbelievingly attractive male who instantly falls in love with the Mary Sues looks ,AKA the extremely common Wattpad cliche called 'I'm a really nerdy girl who has a crush on the MOST popular boy in school. I didn't think we'd ever get together until he randomly asked me out.'

Novels including MS's usually have a rather confusing love triangle which takes up most of the plot. The author tends to skip out important information and focuses on who the Mary Sue should eventually get with. An example of this is the Hunger Games series. I personally care more about what caused Panem and what the first Hunger Games was like rather than which hot boy Katniss will choose.

Mysterious Bad boy - The Mary Sue will fall in love with the Bad Boy and teach him the error of his ways. In fanfic's all other Canon characters will forgive said Bad Boy for the sake of the Mary Sue eventhough they have plenty of reason to hate him. An example of this is literally all Draco Malfoy fanfiction. but I do REALLY recommend

Adorable Best Friend - The Mary Sue usually tends to have a sweet and kind best friend who she over sees when she finds her 'Prince Charming' and forgets her BFF. .After realising her mistake she runs back to her friend who welcomes her with loving arms

4. Most MS's in the Fantasy genre tend to have special skills with little to no effort. She may be a black belt in Karate after only a few weeks or even a medieval princess who would have no training leading her own battles. Often Mary Sues buy the full power package which often includes: Immortality, Wings, Shape Shifting, Beautiful Singing voice, ability to read anyone's emotion, etc...

5. Now everyone! Prepare your violins because here comes the heart-wrenching sob story.

TRIGGER WARNING (ABUSE)"Hi, my name's Belle Grace and I'm the most unpopular girl in school. My alcoholic father abuses me and my mother died while giving birth to my evil little sister."TRIGGER ENDING

In any other context this would be ok but most of the time the author uses it to make the reader feel sorry rather than addressing the subject. The MS's past usually has no effect on them through the plot and has nothing to do with their character arc.

6. The majority of Mary Sues are immensely kind unless they are supposed to be a bad-ass. They instantly attract children and animals and have a childish yet fierce aura that surrounds them. This kind of MS is usually also very heroic and help anyone they love or who is innocent.

7. The chosen one is very common and examples of this are Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Tris Prior (sort of) and many others. Some are born unto a prophecy where they are the only one who can defeat the big bad villain or they do it by accident or it wasn't supposed to be them (Thomas - The Maze Runner). The fates of these books are usually the same. They realise they're special, they defeat the villain even though they're clueless and the whole world loves them. In other words, BOOOOORING. Try something different. Maybe they're only a pawn in a large game of chess or there is more to the prophecy than meets the eye. (Do's and Dont's - Characters)

"Great, we're all bloody inspired." ― Newt, The Maze Runner

-Liya xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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