Day #1: Girls Suck

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"Shhhh! Someone might hear you!" Professor Hulett (Agent Hulett) says. I'm holding myself up off the ground by my hands plastered on either side of the bathroom stalls. "What would the rest of the girls think of you hiding in the bathroom with a boy in the same stall?" I ask mockingly in an undertone. Agent Hulett claspes her hand over my mouth and says, "Hold yourself up higher." I maneuver higher up the walls. "Alright, just hand me the information and then you can be on your merry way." I let my hand go off from the wall, my whole body tense while trying to hold myself up. My hand goes into the inside jacket pocket when suddenly, there is the sound of a door opening. Agent Hullet makes waving motions with her hands at me so I freeze. "How did you do on that test you were talking about?" says a female voice. "Ugh. I tried so hard but I only got a 39 out of 40." says a second female voice. "I mean, that's still a good grade." I see the shoes of one girl walk into the stall next to us. Suddenly- I realized Agent Hulett didn't lock our stall. I try to motion to her the door was unlocked-but it was too late. The door squeaks as it opens and Agent Hulett jumps so high, she falls flat on her butt. Now I'm fully exposed. Before I can do anything, the girl whips out a knife and jabs it deep into my thigh, twists, the yanks. My hands slip on the walls and I collapse on the ground. The girl leaps on me slapping and clawing me with her nails. The only words I get out are "Gerroff me bitch!" Agent Hulett stutters before leaping to her feet. She wraps her arms around the waist of the girl and rips her off of me. I scoot back until my back is against the toilet. "What the hell do you think you're doing Ashleigh?! He is allowed in here!" Agent Hulett says making sure that Ashleigh doesn't attack me again. "Oh? A boy is allowed in a Catholic all girls school in the girls bathroom?" Sneers the girl still scowling at me. I can feel the blood trickling down my face from her nails. "There obviously aren't boy bathrooms!" I retort. Agent Hulett walks up to me and wraps my arm over her shoulder and she helps me stand up. "You! Clean up his blood and meet us in the nurse's office." She says pointing at the girl's shocked friend. "You are coming with us Ashleigh." My grip around Agent Hulett tightens as I get a glimpse of the wound in my leg. Blood spills down my thigh. "I'm gonna bleed out soon so we should hurry." Half carrying, half dragging, Agent Hulett helps me limp/hop down a couple hallways. After hallway #4, staircase #2 I start to get extremely dizzy... To the point where I can hardly move. "I'm not gonna be awake much longer Hulett." I mutter to her putting almost all of my weight on her. "It's literally the next door." She says. Ashleigh opens the door with a slightly concerned expression on her face. I let out a long painful groan while I clamber onto a table. I could barely hear Agent Hulett or the nurse talking let alone see them. A sudden shock of pain jolts down my spine and I black out.

I regain consciousness to a sharp pain in my bicep. I open my eyes and I see a women's face looking down at me. She's taking a blood sample or something. I glance down at my leg to see it wrapped up tightly. "How long was I out?" I ask. "About a day." She replies. I attempt to sit up,  but instantly get dizzy and the nurse pushes me back onto my back.  "You lost too much blood so I wouldn't try something as simple as sitting up." She says in a sour voice. I feel my cheek for that stupid girl's nail scratches, and dammit she left a mark! "Where is Agen-uhh I mean Professor Hulett?" I ask. 
"She is teaching right now." says the nurse.  "Damn it.  Well I need to talk to her. It's urgent." The nurse gives me a skeptical look. "You can't just come in here thinking you'll get your way because you won't. You are not allowed to iterupt a teacher when she's teaching and you are not allowed out of bed. You must stay here and wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow is a weekend day so you can talk to her then. " I grind my teeth.  "I have to talk to her now. I can't stay here another night." I sit up forcing back the dizziness and the nausea. The nurse crossed her arms and blocked the door way. "Try as you might-you can't and won't leave this room until I say so." Suddenly, I felt threatened. My whole body tensed and my breath quickened. If I need to escape and come back, I will. "Look miss,  I need to get back home. Look: I'm fine!  I can sit up now so I'll just be on my way and stop being a nusince." the nurse rolls her eyes but leans on the door way still blocking it. I size her up. She's about 30 years old, probably about 4 inches taller then me, and pretty toned from what I can tell through her uniform... could I take her on if I was in full health? Absolutely. But right now? Nope. I scoot back so my back is to the wall. "What if I refuse to lay down instead?" I ask testing the waters. She crosses her arms glaring at me. "I will then stand here and wait for your strength to give out. For surely, that will fail you before your pride does." She tilts her chin up proudly at her response. I cross my arms shifting in this position to get more comfortable. "Then get comfy sweety because I'll take your challenge." She rolls her eyes. "That wasn't a challenge. You're gonna pass out in fifteen minutes tops. This is a fact." The competitive streak in me decides I'm gonna make her wrong. I'll show her who's boss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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