Chapter 5

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Zayn's POV

Monique was crying! I didn't know her for long but I knew her long enough to be sure she's the type of person who doesn't cry. And she now hated me. I can't get the words that she screamed out of my mind 'I hate you, you're just like everyone else.' The words echoed through my head, I'm not like everyone else was I? I had believed it.

Every word of the lies they told me. Worst of all, I excepted it as the truth. I kept running and found Monique sitting under a tree crying and shivering. I sat down next to her.

"Monique?" She looked up, she was a mess. All because I believed their lies. "Get away from me!" She yelled and stood up, I stood up too and I put her between the tree, and me. I knew she could throw me off easily, but she won't.

Monique's POV

I was between Zayn and the tree, I could easily throw him and run. But something inside me held back. I stayed where I was.

"Monique, listen, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for what I said! I'm sorry for how I acted in the Art room! I'm sorry for believing their lies! I am! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" I looked up.

"No Zayn. I can't just forget what you said to me back there, and how you treated me in the Art room! So might as well give up unless I decide otherwise. And even then you're getting lucky! So leave me alone! Besides, I thought you wanted nothing to do with me!" I turned and ducked under his arms and ran home. I got home after retrieving my bag, my mom was working late again, so I had the house to myself. I loved when I was alone. I threw my stuff into my corner then went to my room, closed the door, laid on my bed, and cried. I cried for what seemed like forever.

I felt two arms wrap around me. It was Zayn. I didn't move away, I moved closer and cried into his chest. He stroked my hair and held on to me cradling me gently in his arms. I thought of the reasons why to forgive him and why I shouldn't. It just made me cry harder. Finally, I calmed down a bit.

"Why Zayn? Why did you listen to them? How can I trust you? I know what you were told. Stay away from Monique, she's no good, she beats people up. That's what they told you wasn't it?" He looked down and met my tear stained face

"Yes, that's what they told me. I was so stupid for believing it! I know you. I may have met you four days ago, but I know the rumors are false. I'm sorry for not believing you! I am, really. Please believe me Monique. I'm sorry." His voice was shaking, and I could tell he was really sorry. Half of me wanted to scream and get away from him, but something held me back. I felt very comforted in his arms. I liked it, so I stayed where I was.

"Zayn, you really mean that you're sorry, I can tell, and when I tell people to leave me alone, they do, but not you. That shows me you are sorry. I accept your apology." He hugged me tighter

"Mo, thank you, thank you so much. I won't hurt you ever again." I breathed in.

"I don't hate you," I whispered "and you aren't like everyone else. I'm sorry for saying that."

"No, I deserved every word of it." I stayed hugged to his chest for the rest of the night.

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