schooltime romance

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It was October I feel the leaves has changed and the Halloween costumes are up for sale I have my my hopes High when me and Henry sat next to each other in class my cheeks blush when he talk to me battle axe sensei says we're going on the computer so I sat next to Henry in the computer lab I watch some videos on Dailymotion Henry lack off on the computer my eyes widen on his screen to see his gaming skills I told teacher he was doing good so he wouldn't send them to the headmistress office Margaret told me she going to have a sleepover at her place on Friday night so I accepted because she lives next to Henry Thursday rolls around and I was sewing my costume for Halloween and I made Henry's costume and gave it to Henry's mom the costume was polnareff from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 3 I cherish my craftsmanship when I got the school I was really tired because I stayed up all night making costumes Miss battle-axe told me to wake up and I handed her my homework Margaret reminded me about her sleepover on Friday and after we had PE I brought my PE kit and we did dodgeball my eyes widen as Al was going to hit Henry but I took a bullet for him but I got hit in the stomach I said with a soft moan it's so worth it is brown hair glowed with passion I got up and I walked to the supermarket with money to bring sweets I got flake bars maltesers Fredo Trio Aero a lot of Os Yorkie Revel picnic lion double decker I told them it's for a sleepover tomorrow at the counter my total was around 10 pounds and I after I left the supermarket I found this little shop from That's sells Japanese food so I took a look inside and I got myself Yakisoba and Dango to take a piece of home with me to the slumber party Friday comes along and I hid it is Margaret Locker and and I told her this is for the slumber party I turned around to see Henry and he snuck 2 Mars Bars I flirted with him to get him to do a thing about the Rolling Stones frontman and that woman did with that Mars Bar but he was not going to do that but gave one to me to keep it hush hush so I accepted then I got to class our art teacher told us it was a free day so I showed her a manga drawing of ermes Costello the art teacher said I don't know the Japanese then I saw Henry's drawing gross class zero fan art I sarcastically said oh yeah ermes Costello has nothing on this I showed the drawing he says that's pretty good I told him thank you cut to tonight I brought my sleeping bag my pillow and my anpanman plushie and I told Margaret what's your favorite movie she said Spice World we play truth or dare I sad truth she said do you have a crush on anyone I just said no because I don't want them to know about the the truth about my obsession with Henry I said you can't handle the truth because it's too it's too damn weird say ok then I asked truth or dare Susan said dare I said I dare you to to see how long you can't cringe to The Wacky World of Tex Avery she accepted and she can handle that much cringe levels so we said we could play Wii U party it's because her parents gave her that for her birthday it was a big bonding moment for me I got closer to someone apart from my senpai Henry it was Saturday morning I told Margaret I'm going home I went up to my room and I found one of Henry's ballet flats that he got from his aunt believing he's female I said can I keep them Henry said yes I said Senpai swag I put on the flats enjoy every single moment because Henry gave it to me as a gift the afternoon rolls around I told Henry on my cell phone that I'm going to the cinema because there's a film festival it's showcasing tokusatsu from Japan subtitled I said I so happen to have extra money for an extra seat so how about you and me hang out at the cinema I'm really hyped for it I got dressed put on my deodorant I put on the ballet flats Henry gave me and we headed off to the cinema with my father dropping me off I was so excited because me and Henry are going to see a movie together we get into our seats by the time the first film was over I was excited for the other film Henry confused for a bit I told him the plot then we got a snack got in our seats then watch the movie but for some reason we got two pairs of 3D glasses it's nice in the action just leapt from the screen I felt like me and Henry was there it's like jam packed by the time the credits roll I felt like I came back from another dimension I saw my dad we went down and we headed home and Henry thank me and when I get into bed I was screaming into my pillow I've gone out with Henry skip to Monday today we are making movies for Cinema class I decided we're going to make a live action rappazappa film made by children I decided to write the script to base It Off his origin of him being a bounty hunter and self-trained martial artist to be the perfect weapon and helping an esper to get vengeance for hero everyone agrees and I chose Henry to be the lead role you watch a lot of of the source material so I thought hey let's have a fan play the lead role we have access to special effects and CGI we shot the first scenes of him witnessing his class being killed in a massacre so he made a promise to find the man who killed his friends and family and give them the same Mercy that he gave to everybody he killed stop filming for today and I went home drew the poster go to bed tomorrow rolls around and I went to art class to make a comic I drew comic about a witch who takes temp jobs in strange worlds the teacher was so shocked to see how creative I am so we filmed a scene where is the esper meet the protagonist we did a joke referencing SpongeBob we stopped filming and we went to PE today we have free running I aced the obstacle course and Henry try to mimic the moves but he fell I took him to the nurse and he was fine just a minor injury so School ended I went home play a little video games got to bed slept Wednesday rolls around school is going to be on the school is going on a field trip to the Theatre gross class zero live I felt nervous sitting next to Henry I flirted with him a little bit I was I was grabbing my phone played a game so I can't fall asleep my dad picked me up I fell asleep ironically my dad took me to my bed I had dinner when I woke up did my homework going to bed I woke up tomorrow we are shooting the film using CGI to make the forest scene and we had science today we were dissecting a toad I felt like a I was going to hurl lunch time rolls around I brought my Bento with me and got some lunch from the School cafeteria I got the ravioli and ate it with my Bento I was picked up from my dad
Going to my house I followed Henry and I bought myself some sweets I put it in a box gave it to Henry and I wrote down some Halloween candy for tomorrow Halloween rolls around and I got up real early to wake up Henry to prep his costume I brought some white colored hairspray I told him to hold still I pierced Henry's ears to put on the earring I made for him he's reluctant at first but he got used to it I wash his ears I did my hair put on my costume and we went to school Margaret poked at the fact I pierced Henry's ear I explained I pierced his ears because I chose poleraff because he's kind of snarky art comes and I drew a picture guts from beserk computer comes and I was doing the effect for the film we're working on so we left school and we went trick-or-treating tonight me and Henry went to the neighborhood in our outfits Henry was close to me I was shy because Henry told me pretty cool for a girl I said why thank you my mom pulled up and offered me and Henry for a ride we slept together I felt somewhat happy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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