I Realize Now

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Dipper's POV

"Listen, Dipper, I'm like super flattered but... I'm too old for you. I mean you know that, right?"

My heart is racing, and I'm unsure of how to handle this. The girl of my dreams knows I like her, and is sitting next to me and telling me how she feels. Unfortunately for me, she feels our ages are too far apart... Either that or she doesn't return the feelings... or a combination of the two.

"Ugh, Mabel said confessing would make me feel better" I reply

"Well, how do you feel?" she asks

"Heartbroken, devastated, and kinda dead" I think to myself before replying "anxious, scared, and a kinda itchy"

She laughs before saying "dude, don't be itchy, man! This summer was super boring until you showed up. I have more fun with you than, like, practically anybody else. And if you ever stopped being my friend..." we gaze at each other for a second before she continues "I would, like, throw myself into the bottomless pit" she finishes

"So things won't be too awkward now?" I ask her

"I just wrestled myself, dude, that was awkward. If you can handle that monster, you can handle a little awkwardness". We share a laugh before I break the tension

"Friends?" I ask her, and she shoves me off the log laughing and finishes by saying "Yeah, dude, friends."

Time skip to that night

I lay in bed looking at the ceiling and rethinking the events from today. Wendy said our age was what's holding her back, right? So technically she could have feelings for me. And age gaps become less of a deal as people get older. So I might be able to get out of the friendzone eventually. But, who knows I may b-

"Dipper? You okay, bro?" Mabel snaps me out of my thoughts

"Huh, oh ya... I'm fine" I reply

"You sure? You're blushing and smiling an awful lot, which is the opposite of what I'd expect someone who was just friendzoned to do" Mabel says

"Well ya, but I've been thinking. Age won't be that big of a deal as we get older, right? Like, it'll die down eventually and our age gap won't seem as dramatic. And I'll grow so our height diff-" Mabel cuts me off

"No, no, no Dipper. Please don't think that way. You need to get over her. You can't spend the next few years of your life trying to win the affections of a girl who won't love you back in that way. However, you can move on but keep Wendy as a close friend! That's what Wendy wants, Dipper, is you to be her friend and vise versa. She doesn't want a relationship so it's best if you just get over her now and stop wasting your time" Mabel replies. My eyes are wide from shock. I've never heard Mabel be so opinionative on anything except maybe that squirrels should be able to vote. But nothing as serious and real as this.

"Woah, Mabel, where'd that come from?" I ask her

"I don't know, I just don't want to see you chasing something you won't be able to catch when you could enjoy hanging out with Wendy as friends for the rest of your life instead. You dating her could risk your friendship anyway, like if it didn't work out. That'd be terribly awkward afterwards. Don't break a friendship that means a lot to you just because you feel that you may possibly want something a little more, especially when the other person doesn't" Mabel says

I sigh in defeat, knowing that Mabel has won this battle. However, one more thing comes to my mind before we go to bed.

"Hey Mabel?" I ask

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