Car radio

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"Jake, let's go!" I called out from the front door. My boyfriend and I were heading to the pulse night club to celebrate our one year anniversary.

"Jesus, Andy! give me a minute!" Jake replied. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like you have to wear makeup!" I yelled back. In reality, Jake was playing Destiny on the PS4. I knew this. I heard the sound of a controller hitting the wall. I rolled my eyes. "Hurry up!" I heard footsteps and Jake appeared on the landing, running down the stairs. "Finally." I muttered. Jake slapped me lightly on the back of the head.

We headed out in our car. It was about a half hour drive. We chatted lightly about the death of an upcoming star here in Orlando. It was tragic. Once we arrived, music was thumping through the doors. Andy and I glanced at one another in anticipation.

We entered the club, holding hands. Well, more I was dragging Jake along to the bar. "Two vodkas." I ordered (I don't know, I'm thirteen damn it). Jake rolled his eyes and took the drink. After two glasses, I dragged my slightly tipsy boyfriend to the dance floor. We pushed past a couple people and soon made it to the middle. The music continued to boom through the building, causing even more confusion than the vibrant colors did. We exchanged partners once or twice, but never for long because we were both the jealous boyfriend in the relation ship. We continued to dance and visited the bar occasionally.

Unknown POV
It infuriates me. It was wrong. A man and a man together? Disgusting! I had to stop this. Being a security guard had its perks. I had a gun from my job, and was currently heading to a gay nightclub called "Pulse". I would do this. And wouldn't regret it. I had a plan. After I killed all those fags, I would call 911 and pledge my allegiance to ISIS. What could go wrong?

Andy's POV
We had proceeded to making out in the bathroom. Jake began to try to undo my pants, but I stopped him. "When we get home." I whispered in his ear. He looked up at me in despair.

"Fine." He said. I left the bathroom first and held the door for Jake. He walked out sheepishly with his hands over his crotch. I laughed. Then I heard it.
A gunshot. No, two; three. I turned and looked at Jake in horror. He looked shocked. Screams began to echo through Pulse. Causing my stomach to clench. "Run." I said to Jake, turning towards the back. Bullets ricocheted of the walls and gunfire was random. Hitting anyone in range. Assuming Jake was behind me, I ran for the back door. I stumbled over my own feet and rushed. I tripped and wasn't able able to catch myself. My head hit the floor with a crack and I blacked out.

My eyes fluttered open and stared ahead of me. An out of focus face was in front of me. I blinked and the face focused. Who stared blankly at me devastated me. Jake his eyes were empty and clouded over. Pain ripped
through me as I looked him up and down. His abdomen was bleeding. There was a hole in his shirt. I let out a choked sob. My love, my one and only, gone. I crawled forward, head throbbing, and grabbed Jake by the shoulders.

"Jake. Jake!" I whispered, shaking his limp form. Tears began pouring down my face. No! NO! He couldn't be dead! I was going to marry him! We would adopt a kid! We could have been happy. I leaned over his body as sobs racked my body. No, no! Screams still echoed around me. Music pulsed in my ears as I cried over my loved one.

I realized guns were still being fired. And knew we had to get out of here. I began crawling slowly, hiccups shook my now weak form. I dragged Jake slowly. My limbs felt like they were made of seaweed. I made it to the back door after ten long minutes of physically and emotionally draining dragging. There was a trail of blood leaking from the hole in Jake's stomach. I slowly opened the door and pulled Jake with me. Our car was in view. I dragged Jake across the asphalt. The sound of his body on the open parking lot unnerved me. We reached the car and I pulled open the passenger door and sloppily shoved Jake inside. I walked to the drivers side. I climbed it and stared at the hole in the dash. A couple years ago somebody stole the radio. I was about to turn on the car when I heard a gunshot. I felt a sting in my chest. Slowly, I looked down and saw blood. Lots of it. Oozing from my chest. I suddenly felt faint and put my hand to the wound then pulled it back to look at. All I saw was red. Black began to fight the edge of my vision. By body went limp and my head turned to the side and I saw the silhouette of a man. The blackness took over.

Now we just sit in silence...

I felt as though I should write this in honour. I know it seems weird. It's truly a tragedy that someone could have so much hate. Obviously I didn't mean anything in the unknown POV. Hell, I'm gay. Why would I?
Please help Orlando. Donate blood or money. Please help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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