Chapter One: Loathing

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Hey Guys this is my first Wattpad novel so if you find any flaws in this novel don't hesitate to tell me. I'd be more than happy to hear your opinions!

The girl above is Emma btw.

Here we go...


Loathing, utter loathing

That's all I'll ever feel for boys, and thank my dad for it. The imbecile hurt my mum bad and this darkened my heart and made it rot. I sat here comforting my mum after she had a memory flash. I don't blame her for being so down. We sat in the living room staring at the silent atmosphere.

I quietly think to myself and thought of last night,

" It's all your fault Marie! You chose that stupid job over me. I had no-one at home to talk to about work!"

" You said you'd be fine with it, you liar!"

I watched dad slap mum on the face.

"Dad stop!!! Your out of your mind!" I cried as I tried to pull mum away from his grip.

"Back off!"

I gasped as the air flew out of my lungs. I couldn't breathe and my head suddenly felt heavy. I moved my free left hand trying to hold anything stable but failed as I dropped to the ground with a thud.

"Emma!!!" mums voice drifted.

Everything went black.


Hey guys sorry this chapter was short but at least yo guys know why she hates her dad.

I hope you liked this chapter and give a like and a comment!

Love Lauren

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