Chapter Two

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Hey guys!

I'm sorry I took long to post this chapter but I can tell you its worth reading!

The photo above is Vanessa and the necklaces she got.


Its been two weeks and my mum is still in her depressing state. I'm starting to get tired of her being like this. I've tried to cheer her up so many ways. I've taken her shopping like five times already but every time I do she starts blabbering about how 'he' used to buy her beautiful presents from the shops and I have to watch breakdown all over again.

I think I found the perfect way to solve this issue.


A month later we were loading our boxes of belongings onto the truck and checking we didn't leave anything in the house. I found my mum in the living room staring at the blank wall, which used to hold photos.

"Mum are you ready to go?" I asked

She wakes up from her daydream and realises I was talking to her.

"Uh yeah sure. Emma, thank you so much for doing this for me, but aren't you going to miss your friends?"

"Um yeah I will" that's a lie - sort of is anyways. I do have a group of people I hang out with but most of them backchat me. I trust only one of them though. Vanessa was my best friend ever since year three and we went to high school together. She's pretty, funny, loyal and every other thing you can name in the friend checklist. I will miss her but I'm pretty sure we can still chat through the phone and probably come visit her house or the other way around. Our new house will be 45 minutes away from hers so its no big deal. I think I'm just scared something between us will change and affect our friendship.

"I might go visit Vanessa just to say goodbye. Is that okay mum?"

"Of course honey just come home straight away okay? I'll be going to Woolworths anyways."

I walked to my car and drove to Vanessa's house. It's literally 5 minutes away. I could walk there but I wanted to go to the mall one last time with her.


"Hey Emma!" Screamed Vanessa as she pulled me into a hug. She knew I was leaving.

"I'm going to miss hanging out with you" she said as she released me. I was choked back tears and nodded at her to say me too.

We spoke for a while then went shopping at Victoria Secret and other shops. We ate a snack and then went back to the parking lot.

I couldn't believe what happened next.

She stopped walking all of a sudden and got something wrapped out of her bag. It was as mall jewellery box. She opened the box and revealed two small necklaces that had besties on each. One had a key and the other had a lock. They were so beautiful. My eyes started to tear.

"You can keep the key to our friendship and lock it so we'll always be together." Those were the cheesiest lines I've heard her say. I smiled at her and her face made me laugh. She gave me the key necklace and put on the lock necklace.

"Thank you so much Nessa. This is why I love you" I said and I pulled her into a tight hug. I really do hope we'll never change.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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