Chapter 3

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Finn's Pov

After I put my knife away, I walk outside and talk a walk through the woods to relax a little bit. While I'm walking, my phone starts ringing. I huff but answer the phone anyway.

"Hello?" I say. "We've got a situation. Meet us in the alleyway before sunrise." The person says and hangs up. I look at my watch and see that it's 11:20, so I head back to my house to get a couple of things. When I show up at my house, I grab my car keys and wallet and start to walk out the door.

I stop at the doorway and look up the stairs. I turn around head towards the kitchen to grab some aspirin and water. I put the aspirin and water on Callie's nightstand and head out the door.

Callie's Pov

I wake up the next morning to someone banging stuff around the house. I look over at my nightstand and find aspirin and water sitting there. 'I'll have to thank Maria when I see her." I think to myself. Once I take the aspirin, I adjust the shackles on my feet so they don't hurt as bad.

The door unlocks and Maria walks in with food. "Oh thank goodness you're awake, I brought you some breakfast." She says setting the food down on a folding table. "Oh, thank you but I'm not hungry." I say. "Well I'm not going to take no for an answer so you might as well eat anyways." She says.

"But Finn told me I wasn't allowed to eat anything." I tell her. "Oh I know, he left a note but this is out of the kindness of my heart. I'm not going to let you starve as long as you're living here." She says. "I don't want you getting in trouble or have Finn do something to you." I say. "Sweetheart, Finn won't hurt me, he would never lay a finger on me." She tells me handing me a glass of juice.

I grab the glass and ask, "Why won't hurt you? He's a monster who.." She cuts me off by saying, "No sweetie, he's a human being that's lost his way. He's seen and been through so much since he was young." "You knew Finn since he was little?" I asked shocked.

"Yes, he used to be a sweet and kind young lad, and he still is. He started to hide it when he started to get older." She tells me with a sad look on her face. "We must be talking about different people because he's none of those things." I tell her pointing and my shackles and the wounds on my body.

Maria nods and says, "He does these things to show that he's not weak, but at the end of the day, he's still a kind- hearted human being who just needs somebody to help him find his way again. When the right person comes around, he'll change. I know he will whether people believe me or not."

She stands up and starts walking out the door. "Oh Maria, thanks for the aspirin this morning." I say. "Sweetheart I didn't leave you any aspirin, Finn put it there before he left last night. Now hurry up and eat so I can wash those dishes before he gets home." She says smiling and walking out the door.

Finn's Pov

It's a couple of hours before sunrise when I finally reach the alleyway. I park my car across the street and see one of the guards nod his head where to go. I walk towards where he nodded to and said to myself, 'This better be good.' "About time you showed up." Kevin says to me.  I look over at the guy getting beat up and say, "So what did this guy do?"

"He took the money he was supposed to give to Darrell, but he won't admit it so we're beating the shit out of him." Kevin explains. "Let me have a go at him, I can get him to confess." I say walking towards the guy. Kevin calls off all the guys and they circle around me and the guy.

I punch the guy in the face and ask, "Why did you take our fucking money?" "I didn't take it I swear." The guy says spitting blood out. "Then how the hell are you wearing all of that expensive clothing? Because from what I heard, you were just a homeless guy on the street." I say kicking him.

"I am, but I promise I didn't take your money." He says. "I would hate to do this the hard way." I say putting my claws into his face. He screams out in pain and I start laughing. "If I were you, I would confess because I want to get out of here and go home." I tell him pulling out my knife.

I put the tip of my knife on his stomach and he says, "For the last time you monster, I don't have your damn money." My eyes get dark and I look him dead in the eyes and say, "Don't you ever call me a monster again you son of a bitch." I stand up and look over at Kevin and say, "Make his death slow and very painful. Tell the boss I'll see him soon but right now I have to take care of some unfinished business back at my house."

He nods and gives the signal to the guys. I get inside my car and think back to when Callie called me a monster. I don't understand why I was so upset when she called me that. I've been called that since I was a teenager and I've never cared, but for some reason I want Callie to think different about me. I want her to see that I'm not a monster, hell if I could I would change for her.

The only way for me to get this paint off me and to get rid of my evil side is to find true love, but who am I kidding, no one could ever love me. Not even someone like Callie.

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