Chapter 3

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Two months have gone by and I haven't seen any of those guys. Or Alesa and Emily. I have Jess in two of my classes. The girl that helped me find my dorm, Catherine I believe, was right. Everybody seems to know me. They say hi to me when I walk to my classes. Even the football players. My teammates are super nice and its pretty awesome. I'm officially the starter point guard and co-captain to my center. We are having an undefeated season and are currently in the amidst of history making championship win.

I've just got into routine, I know where my buildings are. I know how much time I have to rest. Now lunch. Lunch is a different story. I sit by different people everyday. Every sport group, I've sat by. Almost every major I've sat by. This is just like high school. Part for the Plastics. Haha no. Sorry this is not Mean Girls. But there is part for the jocks, nerds, rebels, band geeks, wallflowers, over achievers, under achievers, every social group there is. Everyone is nice to everyone. I absolutely love this school. Jess and I have become the best of friends. We go everywhere together. I have been to a couple of parties. Some like in the movies, others we just hang. School work is easy, practice is fun, life is cool.

"So I know you will probably say no. But I'm meeting the guys again and I want you to come." Jess said. I looked up and about to say no when she added on to it. "And I promise I'll kick Red in the balls before he does anything to you."

"Jessica, I don't know. We have the championship in two days. I've gotta get in the gym." I countered.

"Oh come Hazard Light. Pleaseeeeee" she begged. She calls me hazard light because I apparently warn her about everything. I don't know what's she talking about.

"Hey! Be careful there. My straightener is there." I told her.

"Come on. Pleaseeee. For me." She whined. I sighed and put my comb down.

"Fine. But we have to be back at a decent time." I said. She squealed with happiness and hugged me.

"Ow!" She yelped. Her hand was laying on my straightener.

"I tried to tell you." I bragged. She rolled her eyes and bounced away. She's too excited for this.

I decided to get dressed because I don't think anyone wants to me in spandex and a tank top. Maybe perverts but no. I got up and went to my dresser. What shall I want to wear for this occasion? La la la. Why am I so weird. Oh perfect! I grabbed jeans and a nice shirt. It wasn't too fancy but it's still nice. I got dressed while Jess was in the bathroom. I put my hair up in a nice bun and put a little account of makeup on.

Time Skip brought to you by Matt Damon.

Jess and I got into the back of Adam's car. Unfortunately Red was back there. I made Jess sit in the middle so I could avoid him. I'm not scared of him I just don't want anything to do with him.

"So Jess. How's school?" Adam asked.

"Great actually. Got all A's for the first semester." She answered.

"What about you Hazel?" He asked glancing at me through the mirror.

"Same. Got all A's," I said.

"What about basketball?" He asked. I was about to answer him when Red interrupted.

"Undefeated season. First since 1989. About to win the NCAA women's championship in two days. Hazel Johnson and Katie Couric leads their team to the Womens Finals." He announced. Woah. How does he know? Adam, Ross, Jess and I just stared at him in confusion. My expression held amazement.

"I may or may not have been to all of your games." He shrugged. Jess and I burst out laughing.

"You don't even like sports!" Adam exclaimed.

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