Son Of A Superintendent

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So the next day, Subaru sent a text to Mizuki asking if it was okay to meet at his house to talk about what they were going to do for the next few days. While Asami was waiting, she was watering her plants and humming a tune.

Mizuki received a text from Subaru asking if he and Asami can over to his apartment. He looked over at the sleeping Kendall who was on the couch. He went over to her and poked her cheek. "Wake up, sleepyhead."

She groaned in her sleep, and pulled the blanket over her head. She is definitely not a morning person.

"Subaru and Asami are going to come over a little later, so you need to get ready."

She didn't even move and was still sleeping. "I don't care if they see me in my pj's..." She mumbled quietly.

"Hehe. You're a tough one." He pulled the covers off of her, but she just put a pillow over her face, turning her back on him. He let out a little sigh. "Kendall, you need to get up. You don't want to spend the day sleeping, do you?"

"It sounds like a good idea..."

"I'll tell Subaru to make you your favorite foods." That comment made her shoot up.

She stretched to wake herself up. She looked at him to see a playful smirk on his face and sighed. "Fine, you win." She got up from the couch, going into the bathroom to get ready. Mizuki sent back a text saying to come over and make Kendall her favorite foods for a early lunch. When he was finished, he put a kettle on the stove to prepare tea.

"What are you humming?" Subaru asked as he walked in Asami's living room.

"Oh just a simple melody." Asami answered as she went back to humming.

"Asami why do yo-" Subaru got cut off by his phone he glanced at the text from Mizuki saying to come over and to make Kendall's favorite foods. "What do I look like a den mother?"

"Yes you do Mr. Mom!" Asami again answered Subaru's question.

"Well come on we got to make some food." Subaru said grabbing Asami's arm and dragging her to the kitchen.

"Wait I don't wanna do this! This is kidnapping!"

"Too bad." Subaru said as he pulled out all kinds of ingredients. "Asami, can you open up the flour and put it on the cutting board?"


"No don't open it li-" Poof! "Asami! That wasn't even two seconds!"

"Sorry..." She said sweetly and covered in flour.

"Just go clean up..." Subaru sighed. So she did and when she entered the kitchen she noticed that it was really clean and the food was all made.

"Wow that was fast..." Asami said.

"Yeah yeah, let's go now. Oh I also moved your pots and pans." Subaru sent a text to Mizuki saying he's on his way.

"Oh cool!" Asami said as she followed Subaru out.

Kendall was done getting ready in the bathroom, changing from a person in pj's to... Herself but a bit more radiant. "Making tea? Nice."

"Yes I am. What kind of tea do you-" He paused and just stared at her.

"What I want? Green tea if you have any. Um... You ok there?"

He was blushing a little. "Sorry... It's just that you look really cute in that shirt that it caught me off guard..." He turned back to work on the boiling water.

'C-Cute?!' She was just wearing a shirt with a cat on it- Oh now it makes sense. But still, that made her blush too. "Thank you..." How awkward the air felt.

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