last days part 1

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imagine it was one of the last few days you had with Justin until he went back to tour across the world. You needed every moment you could have with hi, you really wanted to make this night super special. You had the most romantic date planned. You knew Justin was tired from all his busy work, so you really didn't get your hopes up for anything later at night. You texted Justin to cancel his plans for tonight at 7 no exceptions. Justin replied and said "ok babe" you quickly texted him back and said "put something cute on :)." Justin also then replied "okay sweetie"

*Hours later*

It was now 6:00pm and you were finishing getting ready. Justin still wasn't home yet so you decided to give him a quick call, but  he didn't pick up. You thought he was just driving home from the studio or whatever. It was now 6:30 and Justin wasn't home and to make sure you could make it to the reservation you had to leave very soon. You tried Justin again and he still didn't answer, you still didn't think much of it you thought he'd be home any second. *Now 7:35* You were a half an hour late to your dinner, and you were so pissed off, you were Justin waiting for him to walk in so you could tell him off. Time kept going and Justin still wasn't home, It was 8:00 by this time you took off your tight black dress and put comfy clothes, because even if Justin came home it was took late to do the night you planned. 

*It was now 11pm*

Justin still wasn't home so you though "fuck him" and you called up Y/F/N and asked if she wanted to hit the club tonight, she asked about your date with Justin and you told her what happened. She understood and said "pick you up in 20 minutes." Y/F/N finally arrived at your house and saw you and said "Damn, girl you look sexy Justin doesn't know what he's missing!" You smiled and replied "Thanks." She asked "What club do you want to go to?" You replied "C/N because you knew it was Justin's favorite club." You mostly wanted to go there to see if Justin or his friends were there. Once you arrived at the club you headed into the VIP section and there was no sign of Justin or his friends, so you and your friend just stayed out on the dance floor, you also grabbed a few drinks. After a while of dancing with your friend, you felt a guy come up behind you and he started grinding with you. You were still sober enough to know you had a boyfriend, and you just didn't want to dance with anyone besides him, you felt uncomfortable because the moves felt so familiar so you turned around to see who it was. It was Justin, your body soon filled with rage. You slapped Justin across the face, you never have done that before, but it felt great to slap him. I was to loud for you to hear his voice but you read his lips and he said "Oh shit y/n" Your eyes filled up with tears, you then ripped your arm out of Justin's grasp and ran out of the club, Justin was close behind chasing you. You quickly ran and go into your car and got in, you locked the car just as Justin grabbed the handle. You started the car, you looked up and saw Justin with tears in his eyes and nothing no matter how mad you got at him to see him cry hurt you more than anything in the world. You cracked your window open to hear what he had to say.  Justin said with tears rolling down his cheeks "Y/N I'm so so so sorry" you snapped at him "save it Justin" you felt terrible for saying it, but you were sick of the shit you had to put up with. "Baby please let's talk" "Justin we could've talked over dinner that I had planned that you ditched" His eyes got even more sad looking. "Omg Y/N i'm so sorry work just.." "No Justin it's not just work it's your friends too!" you snapped you just couldn't take it anymore! Justin stood there speechless, you then put your car into reverse and backed out and left the club leaving Justin. You looked in the rear-view mirror with tears in your eyes as you saw Justin sitting there crying. You went back to Justin and yours house and just got ready and crawled into bed and cried like you never cried before. You then heard a door open and close. Justin then called your name, you were silent. Justin then came up to your room and saw you crying into your pillow. He just felt terrible and came running to your side and held you as you were crying. He whispered into your ear "Shh baby don't cry" as he said this you could hear his voice chock up a bit. You feel asleep crying in his arms.....

*The Next Morning*


Part 2 coming soon!

Sorry if this is bad guys i's just so excited for heartbreaker it's hard to write. I'll try to post part 2 sometime this week, but for sure by next weekend!  

Don't Forget to promote heartbreaker and get it on ITunes!!!

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