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I told my father about Jerard and how he found me. After being separated in the Witch's Den, he hasn't emerged and I started to get anxious and wondered if he was killed.

Good Lord. I sincerely hope not.

I wouldn't live with a clear conscience if that ever happened. I somehow formed a bond with that fellow. Father assured me that he will have his men look for him. At this point, I can't help him myself so I will have to wait for good news.

As I went back to my bedchamber that night, wistfulness overcame me. My bed was neatly made and there were no longer frozen ice unlike the last time I saw my bedchamber. The shattered wall from the vicious battle that happened between Janno and Jerard was already repaired and if you didn't look too closely, it almost seemed as if nothing happened there.

Everything was back to where I originally placed it – my books, my dolls and paintings – it was as if nothing ever happened. I opened the drawers and cabinets and despite of the six-month vacancy, there were no dust and my dresses were like brand new. Mother had made sure my bedchamber was well kept, hoping I'd come back home.

A small smile tugged at my lips as I rummaged through the familiar drawers where I kept my letters and my journal. But as my hand touched a rough surface which clearly didn't belong in there, I frowned. I pulled it from the drawer and saw it was the black book – the same book that I pulled from the archives where all great criminals were listed.

I have forgotten all about it with all the ruckus that was happening with my life and I forgot to return this. I flipped open the pages and went back to the page where it contained Ryszard's photo.

And there it was, taunting smile and mischievous golden-green eyes...

I wonder what happened to him?

I swallowed the lump in my throat and pushed down the worry that was about to surface. What he does or what happens to him shouldn't concern me anymore. I looked up to the photo that was on top of his. I remembered how it caught my attention. It was the same man with raven coloured hair and a sinister smile. His eyes were red just as I remembered it and taking a closer look, I frowned.

He resembles the witch.

I shook my head.

Those stuff doesn't concern me anymore.

Shaking away those thoughts, I flipped through the pages and there were random faces I haven't seen before.

Well. Except for one aside from Ryszard's.

I felt cold shivers in my spine as I stared at the particular photo blankly, unable to believe what I was seeing. I shook my head, pinched myself and rubbed my eyes hoping desperately that this wasn't real.

In the middle section of the book, there was the familiar ambiguous smile and laidback expression he possessed. With the rustic red hair and pale complexion, there was no mistake.

Wanted: Dead Only

Any person(s) who successfully capture him will be rewarded with fortune and land.

Orion Amador


Why do I seem to be surrounded with criminals?


I have only been here in the Senate headquarters exactly two times: when I was a kid and when I went to visit the archives to find info about Ryszard. Both times I haven't particularly enjoyed because the Senate felt like one huge creepy organization I do not want to be a part of.

However, it was necessary for me to pay a visit today because I needed to give whatever kind of knowledge I possess about Ryszard and his turf to aid the special legion Father was talking about.

The whole Royal family was here so unlike the last time I paid a visit, there were soldiers who greeted us. The eight heads of the Senate were standing in the doorway, ready to receive us with grace. I haven't seen them personally but I have seen some of their portraits and those portraits didn't do them any justice.

With eight of them together, they looked absolutely terrifying.

As we entered the wrought iron bars and proceeded to head to the main door where they were at, the tallest among them all stepped forward.

He was lanky and had high-cheekbones and he was a bit old judging from the few white hairs he had. His gaze was sharp and looked ready to murder but his expression was impassive.

He bowed graciously. "Welcome, my King and Queen."

When he stood up, he looked at me and my brothers who were behind Mother and Father and bowed his head slightly to acknowledge our presence. "Your Highnesses. We are pleased to have you here."

He proceeded to lead us to some sort of courtroom, the other seven following closely behind while I clutched Leonard's cuffs, trying to supress my nervousness. This didn't go unnoticed.

Mother touched my shoulder ever so slightly to provide support as she, my father and my brothers went to the other direction to sit with separate seats for onlookers. The lanky man made me sit in the centre of the courtroom and then joined his comrades who were sitting in high seats surrounding me.

"To somehow ease your nervousness, princess, I shall introduce myself. My name is Verago Pevensey. I have been serving your father for the longest time." Said the lanky man in a gentle tone. His voice echoed in the court room making me more nervous.

He had the faintest smile and a sickly complexion. He didn't look very healthy.

"And this," he patted to the woman who was sitting next to him on the shoulders. "is Madeleine Dillinger. She also served your father for a number of years. She will be assigned as your advisor from now on." I could sense the 'advisor' was synonymous to 'guard'. Now that I returned from being abducted, the Senate strengthened the protection in the Palace and having one of the heads as my guard would increase security.

She had silver hair and though she was clearly older than me, she can be considered quite youthful. She gave me a gentle smile and a nod.

Verago rested his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hands which were joined together. His eyes started to assess me. I tried not to squirm in my seat and forced myself to look calm. It felt like I was a criminal about to be fried by the most brutal judge.

"Now, Princess Erinne, tell me everything you know about Lord Rumplestiltskin."


It was the middle of the night in the Hazen Manor but Ryszard was still quite awake. He examined himself and decided that he was well enough to do what he was about to do. He didn't think Elias would approve of it and Janno, his right hand man was still waiting for the moon so that he could come back to the Manor.

He couldn't count on Elias and he couldn't wait for Janno either so he had to go solo. Elias will surely stop him and he knew he was sleeping right outside his room.

Ryszard stood up from the bed and was quite pleased that his wound didn't hurt as much. The pain was just a dull sting – nothing he couldn't handle. He eyed the window which was how he planned to escape.

He already knew of the Senate's plan of bursting in the fae realm. After all, he had a capable spy who infiltrated the headquarters. The same spy who had let him in in the first place. The same spy that the Senate was wary about.

He smiled to himself and quickly dressed himself in a gentlemanly attire and took care of his wild hair. He wanted to look good if he was to meet Erinne.

The Senate didn't need to come to his beautiful manor. He was going to pay them a visit.

Greetings, cookies!

As you might have noticed, this wasn't posted on a Friday because my flight to Australia is June 16 (Thursday) and I will arrive at June 17 (Friday) so no time to update in that day. I thought of posting this a little bit later but then I love you guys so I opted to post it earlier.

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