Killer Against Her

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=+Mikuo's POV+=
I stepped out of class, running to meet with Gakupo, until a girl's voice calls out to me.
"M-Mikuo! Mikuo! Can you come here for a moment please?"
I run towards the voice, getting tired by that point, only to recognize it belonged to Rin Kagamine, Rinto's younger cousin.
"Um, h-hi Mikuo, I just wanted to tell you I have liked you for a few months now, and I might not be worth your time, but I just wanted to get these feelings out of my mind," she said rather quickly. I broke out of my daze and blushed, then giggled. "Rin, if this is all you wanted to say, I think you are rather cute," I smiled, getting the little blonde a bit confused. "So... Wanna go out on a date with me? T-tomorrow at 5pm, at the café close to the school," she stuttered. I nodded then left, leaving the girl to blush madly and chuckle like a maniac. "Yes! He accepted!" I could hear her yell.

=+Kaito's POV+=
I pass by Rin while she was celebrating some kind of thing.
"Rin what's going on?"
"Mikuo accepted my invitation to a date! We are going out tomorrow at 5pm to the café by the school! Isn't this exciting?!" She smiled crazily. Mikuo... On a date with her?! No way!
"Uh... Nice... Rin! Ha... Ha, congrats!" I looked down, falsely smiling and just leaving. No, this can't be right, he wouldn't say yes to her! Maybe she just has to disappear from his life, that's all.
I close the door after I walked home, it was close to the school, so that was convenient.
"Kaito!" My 11-year old sister Kaiko exclaimed after I entered. She wrapped herself around my waist, embracing me into a tight hug. See, this is why being a Yandere is hard work. Having small siblings makes it hard to keep yourself innocent from them.
"Akaito is making dinner and Taiko went to the grocery store, so she is coming back," she said while going back to sewing another one of her scarves. Typical Kaiko.

=+Rinto's POV+=
"Lenka! Have you gone out on a date with someone yet?" I heard Rin ask my younger sister. "Nope, why exactly?" Lenka said.
"I'm going out tomorrow on a date with Mikuo!"
That made me spit my orange juice onto the couch. Well, accidents happen right?
"Are you serious?! Rin, Kaito is-"
"What should I wear? A nice short dress? A skirt and a shirt? My uniform? Something light and casual?" Rin completely ignored the statement that Mikuo is a dangerous person to go out with, even if Kaito isn't aware of it.
"You should wear that short orange dress. It looks casual and very nice!" If you want to look nice if you die, Rin, I thought after Lenka's deciding statement. Lenka looked nervous; she clearly knew that this was serious when Mikuo, Kaito's best friend, was involved.

=+Gakupo's POV+=
I was still confused after what happened that day at the cafeteria. Why'd you run away, Kamui? Don't you want to get along with everybody? What got into you? I thought.
Wait, couldn't you have fallen for Mikuo?
No, I couldn't possibly had. Mikuo is perfect, while I am just a regular person who got popular overnight because of my recent songs.
No, something is wrong with that.
I do love Mikuo. Not like someone you look down at, but as someone you love.

=+Time Skip: The Date+=
=+Rin's POV+=
Today it was! I just got a bit too excited at the thought of sharing a latte or a slice of orange cake with Mikuo... This is still a dream, right?
I waved goodbye to Rana, one of my class friends, and walked directly to the café, calling Rinto on telling him that I was going to come home late, but his voice was... off. I don't know why, but he sounded a bit shaky, like in that 'Don't go, you'll be safer' kind of thing. Oh well, this is my dream and I'm making it come true.
I sat and waited for him. 15 minutes later, nothing. Weird, I said to meet at 5, and it's already 5:13.
Suddenly, my vision went black, and the next thing I know is that I wake up in an unknown place, most likely someone's basement.
"You wanted to date Mikuo, but first you gotta pay the price," a voice said, while I tried to run, but my hands and feet were all tied together. All of a sudden, a knife is dug right into my back, making me cry in response.
"The price of your life, Rin Kagamine," what I last hear, before recognizing the voice.
And the last bit of life drains out of me.

(( Yandere Kaito killing people for Mikuo. Because why not))

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