Chapter 1

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I'd started inching away from those guys even before they looked at me. A common species at bars like this, these were over-muscled, over-tattooed men.
"Hey sexy, won't you smile for me?"
Oh no. I saw him looking at me and leering as though I was already naked. "No." I said. That didn't seem to bother him. He ordered a vodka for me. Panic gripped my guts.

"Hey babe.. I got the DJ to play our song!"
I heard a deep husky female voice say this, as a strong arm wrapped around my waist.
"Fucking lesbos.." the man whispered and went away to harass some other woman.
"Thank you," I said, turning around to face her.


She was..striking.
She was tall, for one. Her dark clothes were ever darker against her pale skin. Her black hair was cut to her jaw.
For all her intimidating attire, there was something very kind and child-like in her eyes that made me warm up to her instantly.

"I'm Lydia," I said, raising my hand for a handshake.
"I'm Violet, very nice to meet you," she shook my hand. She had a strong handshake. I loved that.
"Are you.. Latina?" She asked tentatively. "No," I laughed. "I get mistaken for Latina all the time, but I'm actually Indian."
Well, with caramel skin and dark hair and eyes, it happens.

We ended up talking to each other till the bar was about to close. I was pleasantly drunk (on alcohol) and as she told me..she was intoxicated by me.

Violet wrapped her arms around me as we got out of the bar. "Hey," I whispered as I pulled her face close.
"Hey," she whispered back, her forehead to mine.

We kissed, Violet being soft and gentle, and me yearning.
I pulled away, and she asked, " do you want to come home with me?"
"Yes," I replied. 

I could hardly mask my nervousness as we drove to her place. "We're not going to war, babe," she laughed.
Her laugh was infectious.

"We're here!" She announced.
"Okay.." I replied as she opened the door for me.
Giggling, I remarked, "chivalry isn't dead, I see."
She smiled at me and led me to the door.

I entered, and saw five women cleaning bloody knives.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed.


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