Chapter 1

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I live a lonely life, being in the low class and all. My family has been poor my entire life, I have a brother and a little sister and it has been hard on all of us. I frequently steal to put food on the table, it became my job when my Mother left. My Father never was one to be helpful and makes me do everything because I'm the eldest.

On top of all these things I pretend to be a boy so the towns people I don't recognize me. My brother is a year younger than me but he is larger so that is where I borrow clothes from. He wishes he could help me, but he watches our sister and cannot be there for me. I don't mind, because when I go out to the market I see high class people, who are more fortunate than me.

I enjoy watching a boy with navy hair and his handsome butler with raven hair. They only come around about once every couple weeks but when they do I always see them but I don't give it a lot of thought.

Currently my Father is out of the house and no one has seen him for hours. Not that we mind, he's not the best Father figure. But I need to go out and get a couple of things for dinner, and my sister is being extra fussy today and she is going to have to come with Keegan and I. Keegan tries his best to keep the best care of our sister Abigail, but it's hard even for us. Abigail is just a baby still, nearly 2 now.

"(Y/n), what should I put Abigail in anything particular?" I hear my brother call from the bedroom, I'm in the livingroom getting ready.

"Cover her face up with a thin scarf, and make sure she as light clothes on." I call back, thinking about what will be best.

He calls back with an okay, and I finish getting ready once everything is on. I have my hair tucked back into a hat and my chest is wrapped up tightly. Seconds later Keegan walks out holding Abigail tightly to his chest. I nod at him and we walk out the door closing it tightly behind us. As we walk I can't help but think about the safety of my siblings, if they don't stay out of my way they might get hurt and that would be my fault.

Keegan gives me a sypathetic look once he sees me thinking deeply, we can read each other well because we don't have anyone else other than Abigail.

We approach the market  place, I kiss Keegan and Abigail on their cheeks and send them the opposite way. Now I have my own things to attend to.

I approach a tall stand held up my poles covered in long blankets. Perfect. There is a sign out front saying they sell fruit and whole grain bread. I push the long blankets back and see other people already waiting in line.

Wait- navy hair, and raven hair, one person short and slim, the other tall and lanky. I know these men! Raven, as I call him: looks marvellous this evening! Not that he doesn't always look great.

Wait- they are distracting me. I can't let that happen. I need to get this food. Lets see what they are buying: apples, bananas, and a loaf of bread. That should fill us up, correct?

I back up 3 steps before sprinting towards them, and push navy forward. He falls on the counter, and shouts "Sebastian, stop this hooligan!"

I lunge for the food and successfully get the Bread and 2 apples. I twist around only to hit a chest.

A bright red apple rolls away from me and I look around for an escape route. To the left, there is a slit in the fabric, I lunge to the left and run forward towards outside of town; Where I live.

Suddenly, I front of me is Keegan without Abigal. I fall over him and land hard on the dirt. Oh shit.

Keegan looks down at me with curiosity, he opens his mouth to speak only to be cut off.

"So who are you stealing, brat." The same voice from before asks me.

I glance up, and see navy and "Sebastian" as he called the butler. I lift myself off the ground about an inch. I slip my right hand inside of my jacket and wrap my hand around my spare knife. We live with a dead-beat dad. what else am I to do?

I aim perfectly and throw at navy's head. Only for Sebastian to jump in front and catch it between his fingers. I gasp and jump up abandoning my plan all together. Keegan stumbles after me, looking confused and in a daze. I don't blame him though.

What we witnessed, was far from normal. Who in their right mind can catch a knife like that? And he moved like lightning. I don't know what happened back there but I don't wanna know.

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