Chapter 2

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Ever since that day in the market place food has been low. It's hard to get now, it's like everyone knows my family. I have went out everyday this week but haven't came back with much. Over all I have gotten a total of 12 meals, and that only fed us for have the week. I'm getting desperate and really there isn't much more I can think of doing for money accept ya know become a preformer. My little brother has talent, he can sing. He's much better than me and I think if he wants to he can be our ticket out of poverty.

So we're sitting at home by our home made fireplace, trying to keep as warm as possible because it's been getting cool out lately. Descussing Keegans talent is a touchy subject because he did get this from our Mother. Abi is asleep in the other room, missing the fire. And as for our Father he's gone liek usual.

"(Y/n)?" Keegan's voice is quiet over the cackling fire.

I glance up at him and hum in response. "I think I can sing if you'd the market place. But you'd have to stay home with Abi, so getting dinner would be my responsibility.." Keegan trails off unsure of what to say next.

I clear my throat and speak my mind. "I think if you are able to do that, it would help our family loads Keegan, you could be our hero." I flash him a small smile to help.

I am expecting an answer but Keegan looks to be in deep thought so I let us sit in silence. He suddenly looks up at me with a sincere look on his face. "(Y/n)...When we went to the market place together, and you left Abigail and I alone. These strange man came up to us and said some strange things..." Keegan looks down and looks very discouraged.

I put my arm around my brother coaxing him to speak his mind aloud for us both to hear. He sends me a slight smile and continues talking. "There was a tall man in a black suit and a shorter man with navy hair...the little one told me to watch out for your safety, your safety (Y/n)...That's NOT exeptable, you could get badly injured!" His voice starts quiet but slowly becomes loud and more afraid.

"Keegan, you don't need to worry about me, I am a big girl ya know?" I smile comfortingly at my brother hoping to coax him.

He frowns, but nods.

My smile gets larger and I pull him closer to me in a playful manor. "Just think about it, okay? Abi and I need this."

I pull my arm away from around him, brush my hands on my pants and stand up.

"Please think about it, for me." I say with small grin/a frown.


It's early, but I think I found out who the mysterious people are. And my plan is to go out to what I believe is their house. It's a dumb plan, but Keegan is really worried so i need to confront the source.

It's around 6 am, and I'm guessing if I take our fathers horse I can make it in around an hour. I have a piece of toast in one hand, and ready to go. I left breakfast out for Keegan and Abigail for when they wake up so they will be okay until I'm back.

I open the door and the coldness of the air it's me harder than expected. I close the door quietly behind me and grab the horse from the back.

Here I go, I'm scared/excited about this  entire thing. But never the less, I hop on the brown horse and go on my way.


The ride there was cold, windy, and tiring for both the horse and I. He needs water and I need a break all together.

It toke longer than I thought so it's probably around 8am. The place they live at is larger than expected. I knew it would be large because of how they dressed, but this is ridiculous.

I walk up to the door in all my glory, and knock on the door. Almost immediately the door opens and there stands who my brother is so afraid of: the man in the black suit.

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