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           So, there's this one kid in my choir class and he's like, really cool and stuff. His name is Nick and apparently he likes Cheetos. He doesn't know many dank memes, but I'll show him all my dank memes next week when we hang out. I have the rarest of pepes and the dankest dat boi memes. Though I like the classic memes, all due respect for the frogs. Anyways, I'm gonna hang with him in choir again today, and I gotta admit... He's pretty good looking. Well to me he is. He dresses well even though we both don't really care what we wear, but yesterday he was wearing joggers and black Nike's with his flash shirt and he looked pretty sick dude. I mean, I was told I'm too dank to match, and I fully agree. That person was Alexandra M. She's weird and slightly disturbing, but oh well.
Sudden Flashback while Owen states into space while looking at the ceiling like in every other thing made ever where someone day dreams...

Alexandra- notices spill mark on her skirt*  Dang it,  I tried to match today, and looks like my toothpaste doesn't agree... *talks to herself too much and confuses Owen* Why meme gods, what have I done to make you make me spill toothpaste on myself again, you know I don't pay attention that early in the morning?!  *apparently Owen still unaware she's talking to herself*
Owen- I luckily i don't have that problem considering how I wake up and throw on clothes without looking at what colour they are...
Alexandra- Dude, that's fine, 'cause you're to dank to match, even the dankest don't match up to you
Some stupid idiot in Mrs. Nytko's  1st hour- Hey Owen, when was the lastime you brushed your hair?
Owen- I don't know, like, sometime last week,....maybe....
Some other stupid idiot in Mrs. Nytko's  1st hour- Ohhhhhh! Whata savage....
Alexandra- * cringes because of the pure stupidity* 
Owen- *smiles, secretly wanting to smack the fuckboy of their faces*

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