Part 2 A trip to the hospital

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"somebody help !' said Justin..........

Mr.Hines called the  ambulance and they took her to the children's hospital.Beep beep beep beep "Is Sarah gonna be OK ?' said Justin. "Yes she is gonna be OK " said the nurse."Sarah please wake up "! said Justin".Where am I" ? said Sarah." The doctor found out that there was poison in your food ."! said Justin . "And we found out who put the poison in your lunch , ...... MRS.ASS WHORE "! said Justin. (GASP) " So she was the one that put the poison in my food "! said Sarah."uh huh ".said Sarah "Sarah Sarah wake up please wake up please PLEASE" !!!!"no"."get the doctor get the doctor". said Justin."We can't help she has gone to a better place".said the nurse."There is only 1 way to save this lovely beautiful girl". ...................................

And that's when Justin bended down and looked at Sarah."The 1 thing that will save Sarah is a lovely kiss ".The doctors and nurses gasped "B b but that won't work she's freakin dead".said 1 of the docs. Justin didn't care what the doctors or nurses said.He bended down and kissed her soft rose colored lips.She slowly opened her blue colored eyes,shining like the beautiful ocean."You saved me Justin thanks for saving my life"."I love you" said Sarah."I love you too". said Justin and they lived happily ever after. 

                                                                             The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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