The End?

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~ Kevins POV~

Aleks and Eddie were running around the streets and asking people if they've seen Steven, while I ran through the city. We went everywhere we knew Steven knew well enough. But after searching half the day, there was no sign of him.

Aleks and Eddie drove be back to Aleks house, where they have been since the car incident. And I just don't want to be at Stevens right now, and yeah we did check there to.

"Hey don't worry, we'll find him soon. Just sleep, the guest bedrooms upstairs." Aleks said as he gently pat my back and Eddie and Aleks went upstairs to bed.

I stayed downstairs and sat on the couch starring forward at nothing. I was terrified, I didn't know where Steven was, I know he's fragile so what if he..... I shook my head, he's not gonna kill he?

I was so stressed and worried I didn't sleep that night. When Aleks and Eddie came downstairs they frowned.

I looked back at them and stood, "l-let's go look a-again."

They looked at each other and back to me before nodding.

We went out once again, we searched everywhere we coulda missed yesturday. When I was running through the city a thunder storms started up. I sighed mentally and continued running and searching everywhere, I was going to find him.

~ Stevens POV ~

I sat in an alleyway somewhere in the city, I didn't know where I was, and I was crying, well sorta. I have been crying since yesturday and all my tears have dried up, doesn't help that I haven't slept either. But what else do you expect? My life's been shit and then the man I love kissed a woman...

Thinking about it, I gripped my legs tighter and pulled them in closer. I didn't care where I was, I didn't care that it was raining, I was behind a dumpster in an alley, I just want to be alone.

Why, why does this always happen to me, why can't the world just leave me alone. I might as well just be alone my whole one can ever hurt me then. But I can't, I knew that I'd end up abused by my parents, they'd find me, they have before. What else was I going to do...

I looked up at the sky, the dark clouds made it like it was still night. The rain drops hit my face, and the thunder went off loudly. Then something crossed my mind. No one can hurt me if I die. I will be content, alone, the way I've wanted it for so long.

I stood up and looked around, I saw a 17-20 story building not far off and I ran to it. When I got there I climbed to the top, having to sneak past a few workers though. I walked to the edge and looked down. The cars went by, and people walked along the paths holding up their umbrellas, I could even see a few couples and it made me sick just looking at them. I sighed and stood till I was half standing on the roof. I could hear a person shout 'there's a boy up there,' and then so many yelling not to jump and someone help him.

~ Aleks POV ~

I ran through the city since I search everywhere else I knew, and Eddie was still running around the quiet streets. I looked around and almost got hit by cars a few times being so reckless.

I didn't care though, I ran and ran trying to find Steven. I was about to turn down one of the bigger streets until I heard people shouting something that I couldn't really make out. I decided to turn around and run down that way. When I could see the people in sight they where looking up at something. Of course being curious and almost hoping, I looked up and my eyes widened. I quickly got out my phone and called Kevin.


"Wh-what why?"


Aleks heard a loud clack and buzz as Kevin dropped his phone and ran towards the big apartment. It was the biggest in the city so he knew what he meant.

Aleks put his phone back in his pocket and pushed through the crowd to the front and yelled out Stevens name as loud as he could.

~ Stevens POV ~

I heard a familiar voice yell out my name. I looked down and could slightly see Aleks there, he started yelling out things like 'Kevin didnt kiss her' and 'your misunderstanding the situation.' I didn't believe it, maybe....I didn't want to? But I shook my head and tears started going down my cheeks again. As I was about to walk off...


My eyes widened, I looked behind me and Kevin was there, out of breath. "K-K...Kevin...wh-what are y-you-"

"I didn't kiss her Steven, she kissed me. I don't love anyone else but you, please Steven, I was worried, I love you Steven please, please, don't kill yourself." Kevin had fallen to his knees halfway through what he said and tears were now going down his cheeks.

I clenched my teeth and looked forward again and shook my head. "I....I can't, bye Kevin" I leaned my body forward and could start to feel the fall.



Don't worry there is still a surprise, but I will reveal it in an A/N in a few days ;) hope you liked this story :D I had fun writing it! And like I said, be prepared for an A/N within about a week :3

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