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Editors note: shout out to @Maybe_beautiful. thanks to her, I just had to put this chapter up today :) enjoy

Six.           Treachery.

Damn this box was heavy. Mark and I had been forced into carrying the crate from the landing site to Mark’s cabin by Tanya. Well, I should say our cabin now. Tanya was moving into Chloe’s cabin and I was the one getting the boot. So now myself and Mark were roommates.

Tanya and Chloe had spent the better part of five minutes jumping up and down and squealing and giggling when Tanya first arrived. Now they were sitting on one of the beds talking about who knows what.

The ring was still in its box in my pocket. I was waiting for the evening under the stars to give it to her. Something romantic.

“So, when you gonna give it to her?” Mark asked. I was sure that people could read my mind or something.

“I’m thinking about tonight; you know, the stars, candle light, etcetera, etcetera.”  We were nearly at the our cabin now. Tanya told us to keep the crate here so as not to arouse Chloe’s suspicions about a ring. It was a surprise after all.

“Should be northern lights as well.”


“You know, the aurora borealis. The funny green glow that happens at night because of some funny magnet or something. Come on bro, you were better in science than me.” I had completely forgotten about the aurora.

“Brilliant! Perfect! Mark, you’re a genius.” I exclaimed, joy overflowing in my voice. How had I forgotten? We had seen it a few times since being here.

“Tell me something I don’t know.” Mark rolled his eyes at me and a smug grin came over his face.

“Remind me to give you a medal or noddy badge or something.” I said sarcastically.

“Thanks man.” that stupid grin on his face again.

“Not a problem.” I grinned back at him.

We dropped the crate in the lounge. I grabbed two cokes from the fridge in the kitchen then went to join Mark by the TV. The news was on and there was some big situation going on at… no way, it couldn’t be. But it was. There was a situation at the white house.

 I watched the TV screen, my mouth agape as I gawked at the ensuing terror. Mark was just as captivated as I was. The main picture was from a camera outside the white house, looking over the rolling lawns. There were SWAT vans everywhere and police choppers circled speedily overhead. There were army personnel everywhere, and even a few tanks could be seen around the embattled state house.

Then it all changed. The still picture was transformed into a fire lit chaos as two jets streaked in low and fast, releasing a set of missiles at the police choppers. The wreckages fell around the white house as a silhouetted figure walked onto the main lawn.

I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to. But I couldn’t deny it. It was Tom, clad in a white Italian suite, a submachine gun slung across his back and a sword at his waist. His snow white hair billowed around his face in the wind and the evil frown he wore looked like it belonged on the devil himself.

Within a few seconds of Tom entering the picture, a team of battle gear clad men had surrounded all of the police and SWAT units, their guns trained in for the kill. Then Tom spoke, his voice cold and menacing.

“Today, we usher in a new era.” He shouted to the camera for all the world to hear. “For too long now, we have stood in the shadows and watched as the so called mightiest nation on Earth has let other, lesser nations walk all over it. Today, we fix that. Today, we hand over this nation to an order which will hold it in its iron grip, an order destined for great power. But first, we execute judgment on a man who thought he could lead this nation.”

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