Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

~~Aria Winter~~

When we arrived back at school it was ten minutes before school finished. There was really no point in going back so we decided to chill outside and wait for the others to come outside. As we sat in a comfortable silence I couldn’t help but think how good it felt to have Nate’s arm around my waist.

It felt really nice. And for some unknown reason I could feel tingles everywhere. Can that even happen? I swear maybe I’ve been reading too many books and it’s getting to my head. Yeah that’s it.

The bell rang and soon students were flooding the car park. When Sam, Ella, Tyler and Chase saw Nate and I sitting on the hood of my car they all charged over. And then they all started questioning it.

“Where were you?”

“What did you do?”

“Where’d you go?”

“What happened with the teacher?”

“Did you go to the Principal’s Office?”

“You are in so much trouble.” They all said together.

“Whoa, chill guys. We just went out to get lunch that’s all.” Nate shrugged.

They looked at us in disbelief.

“Oh really? Then why did it take so long?” Chase questioned.

“The place was an hour away.” I said. Tyler was about to ask a question but my phone rang instead. Thank goodness. I really didn’t need Tyler’s questions right now.


“Aria?” Oh no. How’d he get my number?

“Nope, wrong number. There’s no Arabella here.” I said casually. Inside I was shaking. How dare he call me?!

“I know it’s you Aria. Please just let me explain.” He wanted to explain? Well he should’ve done that a while ago.

“Like I said, there’s no Arabella here. You must have the wrong number. Bye.” I gritted my teeth. This idiot. How’d he get my number? The only person who I gave my new number to was Hailey. Oh he must’ve gotten it from Hailey.

Great. Just great.

I looked up to see everyone’s eyes on me and I realised that everyone witnessed that phone call. Oops. I looked at Tyler’s questioning eyes and mouthed ‘Jared’ to him. He immediately clenched his fists and I knew he was seconds away from punching something near him. Ella immediately knew what was going on and helped calm him down.

Nate was about to ask a question but my phone rang again. Is it just me or is my phone coming to the rescue whenever I need it? Yes!

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