Monday 13

15 2 3

Dear Emily,
So RN I'm typing this from dance camp! And it's gone really really well. Im excited for the future. And this morning I was listening to Christina's music and yeah it was a tragedy but she would want us to smile so I did. But yeah I'm feeling much better and I think the boys are too. And I gave money to a go find me for Christina's friend who can't afford to go to the funeral but she raised her goal so that's good. And I just feel really good and positive. I think Connor is doing good maybe but yeah so this was at 12:18. So dance is done for the day it was really fun and yeah. I've had such a good day I felt Christina smiling on me as I danced which made me so much better and that she can now do that. So that was really good. My dad picked me up he was getting on my nerves major and then I came home to my wonderful mom who always sides with me so I talked to her and everything and yeah today was just so flipping good!
Oh yeah and the boys cancelled there last two shows which I'm so happy about there giving themselves time to mourn and Christina's service will be by the end of this week and will be private. And the boys uploaded a live chat kinda they had before tour and it's so funny with Christina. I love her
R.I.P Christina
God is good all the time
Love Beverly

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