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My mother used to tell me that I would know in a persons eyes if they were undoubtably 'the one' for me. That if I simply looked in their eyes, I should be able to see my future burning bright and intertwined with theirs. That is what my mother said when she met my father way back when. She just knew that when she looked into my fathers eyes, that they were destined for a life together.

Of course I used to laugh and roll my eyes at her cliché little saying, not one for being soft when it came to something like love. I was bitter back then and more so now with her death. It had been almost a year since her passing, but I could almost still hear her voice around me, whispering her words of wisdom into my open ear. I missed her more than seemed humanly possible.

But as I stared into his eyes of never-ending ocean blue, I could see my future, and I knew that my mother was right all along.


Sooo... What do you think? Don't be afraid to let me know!

Malevolence [Jared Leto]Where stories live. Discover now