An Old Friend

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A dash of crimson paint splattered across the canvas before me as I angrily painted away the demons that threatened to consume my very soul if I did not release them in some form. Dozens of paintings of the victims I was unable to save, the very ones that haunted my existence and continued to fill me with sorrow, were scattered around the loft. Painting them was a way to relieve the guilt that filled up inside of me; it was a way of coping.

Ever since I had left the Behavioral Analysis Unit almost a year ago, I had taken up on painting and it was pretty much the only thing I did now. Well, not the only thing. I did need to have some sort of income and well that came from the lectures that I gave at universities and such from time to time. It was enough to get by and for the time being I was okay with that.

I took a step back from the canvas before me, analyzing every little detail as my emerald eyes darted to each brush stroke. It was only in the pre-stages of being a painting and I knew it would take quite some time before I finished the enormous thing, but time was something I had more than enough of recently.

I brushed back a stray little strand of my red hair that loosened from my ponytail, managing to transfer paint in the process. Not that it mattered anyway; I needed a shower desperately by the look of how many different colored paints were plastered to my body. Besides, no one ever came over to see my chaotic ways of creating art. I was a master at shutting people out of my life; that in itself was almost an art-form that I had nailed.

A growl emanated from my empty stomach and I knew I could no longer ignore the need to eat something as much I wanted to continue on with my work. I finally went over to the kitchen and began searching through the refrigerator in a quest to find something to eat, when a knock sounded from my door. I had stopped in my tracks, perplexed as to who could possibly be on the other side of my door. Did I not pay my rent this month? I was so sure I did...

Reaching for the door knob, I twisted it open not to find my landlord standing before me but my former boss, Agent Lukas Grant. He was a tall and intimidating man with softly aged skin and a dark trimmed beard that was on the verge of graying. I kept in touch with Lukas from time to time on the phone, but he never showed up to my loft. He only ever did if something was urgent, but even now I'm no longer employed by the FBI, so his presence was concerning.

His familiar raspy yet firm voice that I had always found an odd comfort in, spoke out. "Aren't you going to let an old friend in?"

I widened the door letting him through, slightly flustered with realization that I was just staring blankly in thought. "You say 'old friend' as though I've known you for a decade. Its been maybe 3 years Luke." I sat down at the dining table, my curiosity still at a peak.

He chuckled and sat beside me with a deep sigh. "Feels longer than that when you've been working in the type of job that I do, and well the one you used to." I could almost see him wince, knowing himself that he was stepping on thin ice. "Everyone at the BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) misses you Nyx. They really do and well I do myself of course."

"I miss the everyone as well. I've just been so... Busy."

Lukas's eyes scanned the room full of paintings and to the paint covering my skin. "Right... Well the BAU is actually something that I want to talk about and part of the reason why I came here."

I twiddled my thumbs in my lap, knowing very well the cause of him being here. "I'm not coming back if thats what you came to ask."

"Will you hear me out first Nyx? I wouldn't be asking this of you if I truly did not need to, but I do. The team at the BAU is fantastic, but you bring a whole new skill set to the table and some fresh eyes are needed." Lukas paused waiting to see a how I would react. "I'm not saying you would have to come back and work as profiler permanently. I know that after what happened before you left... I know that you staying wouldn't be likely. I just need you for this new case."

A wave of nausea passed over me at the thought of returning to the BAU, even if it was just for one case. "And what exactly is this case?"

Lukas cleared his throat. "Have you heard about the killings of celebrities in Los Angeles? Well L.A. Police haven't been able to catch the person behind the murders and as of this morning another celebrity has been targeted. Its only a matter of time before they end up dead as well. You and I both know that solving cases under a deadline is something that you outshine every agent in."

My thoughts were running a thousand miles a minute in my head, every little pro and con of actually going through with the case, were being tossed around like a salad.

Lukas's raspy voice spoke up once more startling me. "Nyx?" His brown eyes searched mine, filled with a slight worry. "Will you at least consider it?"

I simply nodded, signaling my yes and I had truly meant it. I was more than certainly going to be thinking about it.

"Good." Lukas stood up and pushed his chair back into its original place and began heading for the door. "I really hope you do come back for this. The jet for Los Angeles takes off at 7 tonight if you decide to join us. That gives you a few hours to think it over."

There was a very specific reason I had to quit working as a profiler and yet, I couldn't stop thinking about that person whose life is now on the line and all because of me they could possibly be just another victim in the recent celebrity killings... Another soul to haunt me until death came and that was not something more my shoulders could bear. A wave of guilt suddenly overcame my entire being.

I stood up abruptly, the legs of my chair screeching against the floor. "Wait!" I shouted to Lukas who was halfway through the door. Lukas, more than surprised at my sudden shouting, came right back in where he was just a few moments before. My lips trembled as I spoke with a fierce determination, and before I fully registered what I had said, it was too late. "I will do it. I will come back to work on this case."


I just stayed up until 2 in the morning writing this and began working on it as soon as I came home from work because Im actually pretty pumped about this story. I hope you guys are too!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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