Caleb O'dell

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Caleb: Friend to Ty Borden. He's a rides broncs in the rodeo and helps Tim with his Rodeo school. Has has many love Interests as well. Including Amy,  Ashley, and lastly Cassandra. He marries Ashley but then later on Ashley fills for divorce and he then meets Cassandra and they get married at the end of season ten. They are now soon expecting to be parents.

Cassandra: Married to Caleb Odell. She is a vet and works with Ty Borden and Scott Cardinal. She is expecting a child soon after trying really hard and not being able to get pregnant.

Ashley: Marries Caleb and files for divorce later on when she goes off to school in B.C. She comes back in season seven to see if she still has feeling for Caleb which she does but he rejects him when he finds out she has another boyfriend. So she leaves and has not returned since.

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