Imagine pt. 19:

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As soon as Olivia safely gets to her room, I glance over Jungkook who had just came out of his room. I was distracted from his boxers and his white tank.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi. Don't mind me I was about to go in." I said trying to save myself from not looking weird.

"No, I was about to come over actually." He said and walked closer.

"Oh, what do you want?" I question him.

"I want to say I'm sorry for my behavior. I was a bit upset."

"I'm sorry too." I whisper.

"No need. He kissed you first. Plus, he really likes you." He said.

"Really?" I ask surprised by what he said.

"Yeah, so do I." He confesses. He walks closer towards me. Just an inch away from me.

If he likes you and can kiss you, then I should do the same." He states and kisses me without giving me time to respond.

His lips were soft and sweet. His tongue slipped through and explored my mouth. His large hands cupped my face and his body was pressed up against mine. The kiss was rough and tender. I couldn't think for a moment. He twisted his head left and right. He bit my bottom lip and he pulled away slowly. He stared into my eyes, full of lust.

"Now we're even." He whispers.

He turns around and opens his door. I just stood there still in shock. He smiled and told me to go to bed. As I do so, I turn around close the door behind me.

I continue to pack my bag. I couldn't think properly. Olivia told me the truth between us. Jimin kissed me. Jungkook kissed me. Darcey and her gin. Too much thoughts were bouncing around in my head. I was feeling a bit tired after the day and skipped packing for now and headed off to bed.

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